Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving with my family

For my long-time friends and followers, I want to say hello and wish you a happy Thanksgiving. The circumstances that caused me to write this blog in the first place, have kept me from attending holiday gatherings over the past seven years. But by the grace of God and the assistance of the people at the Veterans Administration all that ended this past Thursday when I celebrated Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
It was held at the Soboba Springs country club in San Jacinto California where the menu included the traditional fair of Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, mixed vegetables, salads, baked ham, and prime rib sliced to order and a dessert cart to die for. And although the meal was excellent and have very little to do with my personal excitement about attending. Like I said it's been over six years since I've seen all these people one place so let me share some of what I saw that gave me the greatest pleasure.

Front row, left to right...
My son Kyle, Yours truly, my mother-in-law Aggie Fikse, My sister in law Cindey Fikse, My niece Rachel Fikse Garnett, my niece Angie Taylor.
Second row...
My nephew Aaron Akamine, my niece Alicia Akamine, (the woman directly over my left shoulder) my niece Heidi Fikse, My wife Joan, Joan's sister Anna Jean Van Zee, My sister in law Violet Fikse, My nephew Keith Taylor, My nephew Errol Garnett, my niece Ruth Arner.
Third row...
Partly obscured my niece Rebecca Fikse-Powell, my nephew Tyler Powell, My nephew Rob Fikse.
Top row...
My brother in law Eugene Van Zee, My nephew Alan Fikse, My brother in law Myron Fikse Sr, My nephew Myron Fikse Jr, My nephew Zack Arner.

family missing from the day include...
My daughter Amanda, My Nephew Andy Van Zee and his wife Christie. My niece Amy Van Zee and her husband Patrick. My niece Patty Ball and her husband Jason.

I have a few more photos photos to share...

my niece Rebecca

My niece Ruth

My niece Heidi

My niece Rachel

My nephew Errol

My brother in law Myron and his lovely bride Vi

My son Kyle and my nephew Rob

My sister in law Cindey

My niece Rachel

there was a ton of kids present but I'm not naming names for security sake.

My nieces Alicia and Angie

My wife (who does not want to be on the internet) and my mother in law and my son

seated, my nephew Alan and standing, my nephew Tyler

My nephew Myron

My nephew Aaron

My niece Alicia

My hope and prayer is that everyone who reads this is as truly blessed as I am. I am, in my opinion, blessed beyond understanding.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

some photos of the recent days

at the end of my block is a barricade. It is meant to keep people from going up into the hills behind my home. I rolled my wheelchair up there the other day and someone had broken the lock.

this is a warning sign tells you to NOT go past that barricade. I guess the barricades there for people who can't read.

this is yours truly, about to ignore both the sign and barricade.

same face new angle.

The sign and the barricade

with the barricade behind me,
moving toward the dead and the road

All that is really out there is the remnants of the wildfires from 2003 and 2007. You can see on the hillside that even the scrub brush hasn't grown back yet.

these are some shots from the legal side of the barricade.

there's really no reason for me to go on the other side of the barricade. I guess in this instance the grass is not greener on the other side.

this one last picture is from my living room makes a kind of wonder why I went outside begin with.

counting my many blessings.


Bitch about the election results.
Slam everybody who didn't vote..
Complain about how stupid everybody was for not seeing the direction this country is now heading.
Punch my fist against the wall in anger and frustration.
Scream at the top of my lungs.
Delete all my liberal friends on Facebook, after leaving nasty words in their profiles.
Rail long and loud about higher taxes coming, less services rendered, more social injustice, the judicial branch legislating from the bench at a higher rate, the installation of class warfare in which everybody above the poverty line becomes the enemy of the state and of the people.
Complain about how lousy the Chargers are this year.
Wish out loud that I knew all the answers.

But no that would do any good so I get down on my knees and pray God that all these things will work out that America will stay free and powerful country, where men and women of every race creed color many dream endeavor to advance to the highest possible level fiscally and philosophically without the threat of tyranny or limits placed on them by politically correct nincompoops.