The South entrance to the VA Hospital, La Jolla, California
Same entrance, closer
The Southern view from the entrance pictured above.
Note the gray skies, very uncharacteristic for SoCal. even in the dead of winter.
My current project. A Keepsake box. On Fridays I work on projects to build the fine motor skills. On the other days I work my hands using Resistance Putty and Thera-bands. (photos to appear later).
Felicia, A UCSD Student Volunteer, who helps in my therapy sessions, along with Elaine and Eddie.
After the VA transport van dropped me off at home, I took some pictures to share with you...
This is my front door. My house faces due west. So this is looking towards the east, with the rocky hills that make up my backdoor view.
Even in WINTER
Everywhere I look
I am constantly reminded
Of why I choose to live in SoCal.
This was the Southern view on Friday 25 February. On Saturday 26 February, those clouds turned into a frog strangling downpour. And in the East County snow fell at 2800 ft. In a few days you nice people on the east coast will be getting a taste of this storm system.
But by Sunday 27, February, the skies over SoCal looked like this again.
Roba Dolce Redux
If you're a regular reader, you may recall my original post concerning the FREE SAMPLES of Sorbetto and Gelatto I received from the kind people at Roba Dolce, just for putting their logo in my side bar. In that post I wrote about my impression with their product. I raved about the Raspberry Almond Fudge, The Lemon and the Blood Orange. But I was less than cordial about their Mango Sorbetto.
Let me state that the product review was based on my taste impressions from eating the 6.6 oz single serving containers. And since then we, discussed the date of manufacture on the mango. Apparently the single serving container of mango was from an older recipe. But the large container, which was also in the original post, was from a newer recipe. And in the spirit of fairness, I must say;
The new Mango is superb. It is tangy, tart exquisitely sweet and it has that distinct mango after taste that revisits the pallet for a few breaths after swallowing. In actuality, the only element missing from a true mango experience is the hair-like fibrils stuck in your teeth.
Also in the package was a large carton of Pistachio Sorbetto.
The problem with most frozen concoctions containing nuts is that the nuts are usually mushy and tasteless and are in short supply.
The Roba Dolce Pistachio Sorbetto does not have any of these problems.
I liked it.