Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Money money money

I have quite a few liberal friends were concerned about the economic welfare of people less fortunate than themselves. I hear questions like; "How can there be poor people in America today?" or "The government takes  in trillions of dollars of tax revenue every year, why can't they help the poor people here?" The answer to the first question is simple; there are poor people everywhere. That second question is equally simple; the government does not take in trillions of tax dollars every year, they borrow money to spend it now in anticipation of tax revenue in the future. I have also heard my friends say things like "the ultrarich should pay their fair share and help out those less fortunate than themselves."

As an answer to that last question I would like to submit these facts:

1. today in America there are currently 403 billionaires with the total net worth of $1.3 trillion. The National debt currently stands at $15.3 trillion. If you took away every dollar from the billionaires and put it toward the national debt you're still $14 trillion in arrears. So let's reach a little deeper, and go after the millionaires.

2.According to the Wall Street Journal there are 3,100,000 millionaires in the United States with the total net worth of $11.6 trillion. And if we take all of their money and redistribute it via taxes, we are still $2.4 trillion short of paying off the national debt . So in essence what we have done is placed 3.1 million people on the property list (and this doesn't include the countless millions of people are now out of work because we removed all of the income used by the Billionaires/millionaires to pay wages and update factories and have actually forced millions more Americans into insolvency and still have to come up with another $2.4 trillion to close budget.

3. And this issue starts all over again on the new fiscal year when Congress again has to borrow money to pay for programs and entitlements and military and Presidential staff salaries and congressional retirement pensions and medical & dental programs. But this time there are no rich to pay the bills with the promise of future tax dollars. 
At this time the ability for America to make a profit and pay taxes has been eliminated when we eliminated the upper-class. So this year we have to go and take away all the money from the new upper-class, everyone who makes over $200,000 a year! That is everyone who has income of >$200,000.00 < $999,999.99. 

4. According to the IRS this number is 3,687,607 households. Doing a little math to come up with a total dollar amount yields ~$2 trillion.

There! We have eliminated the problem. In two short years we have erased the national debt and there are no more rich people in America. The redistribution of wealth has only paid the bills for America for one year and completely eliminated any possibility of any type of financial recovery to pay the bills in the future. And we  didn't create one single job, educate one child or raise even 1 single person above the poverty level.

America has a spending problem. Not an income problem. In robbing the rich we only achieve creating more poor...


  1. THIS right here is the best explanation I've read so far!!!


  2. Exactly! If only more people understood the economics of it. Very well explained!!

  3. And, if everyone was raised by my Dad, they would have learned not to rob Peter, to pay Paul, too.

  4. It really is THAT simple, but the Left Wing will argue that we MUST do this...

    I've beena political moderate for a long time... This current administration has done more to make me a conservative than any Republican could have...

    Great post, Kurt...


  5. Beautifully stated, in laymans terms, thanks Kurt. Showing this to my husband.


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