Saturday, January 14, 2012


It seems like it's been forever since I last wrote here although I know in my mind it's only been a couple weeks. Some very big changes have been going my life and they have kept me from writing this. The biggest one is the vocational rehabilitation program offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. I have been trying to get into this office for months now just to schedule appointment. For any of you who are trying to get into the VOC-REHAB program, let me tell you up front, they don't answer the phone. You must go to their office in person and fill out a form, an application actually, to even be considered for this program. I learned this the hard way, after spending months trying to contact them on the phone. Out of sheer frustration and anger I went down to their office to confront them, and was given the form. We filled it out and I was assigned an orientation class and ultimately I was accepted into the program. For me this is a really big deal. What I'm trying to accomplish is to renew my certifications so that I can return to the workforce as an information security specialist.

A few posts ago I told you that I had received a Van,  and that I was out and about in this big bright world again. Some places I have been include two of the local Harley-Davidson stores. a visit to my brother-in-law in Escondido who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Regular Sunday church service attendance at SONRISE community church. Two more trips to Escondido, one for the memorial service for my brother in law and the second to his graveside service. My brother-in-law Al Fikse was remarkable man who spent the better part of the last 30 years as a teacher and principal at a Christian school in Escondido, California. The number of young people who attended his services served as a testament to the kindhearted, soft-spoken, positive, loving and helpful man he was. There were over a thousand people in attendance and there was nothing but positive comments and heartfelt love for this man who had seen the good and so many wayward children and help them get straight in their lives. He is sorely missed. Survived by his wife, Cindy, three daughters; Rebecca, Rachel and Ruth. And his son Robert.

I have also been to visit my mother-in-law in Hemet, California who is the kindest woman I have ever met in my life.

My numerous sessions at occupational therapy and physical therapy have been getting measurable improvements in mobility, strength and range of motion. Yesterday however the return trip to dermatology discovered another basal cell carcinoma that required removal. This one was on my chest, and the scar will be big enough to tell people it's from a bullet wound, lol. 
I can't tell you that I will make an effort to write here more often. Because quite frankly I'm having too good a time exploring the world again.

Last but certainly not least, it is with a heavy heart that I report to you, the loss of a fellow blogger. The wonderfully talented Lady Emily, who wrote the blog "Alice in Wonderland" at passed away in a car accident on 15 December 2011. For those of you fortunate enough to have read her blogs you understand what an intelligent, compassionate caring person she was. If you are one of the few who actually ever got an e-mail from her you were fortunate enough to have glimpsed her wonderful sense of humor. And if you are one of the truly few people she called friend, you are blessed indeed. Her sister-in-law Megan is continuing the blog in honor of her sister-in-law. Emily's blog was sprinkled with remarkable poetry, most of it from childhood favorites of hers, relevant to things taking place in her life. But on the occasions when she wrote and posted her own poetry, that is when her incredible talent really shone through. The wonderful thing about the Internet is that Emily''s words will outlast us all. Despite the fact that she has gone on to her reward, it's not too late to go and be touched by her words.

So until next time, be well. Be blessed and be a blessing to others


  1. My condolences on the loss of your brother in law. Prayers to the family he leaves behind.

    I will truly miss Emily. I still can't believe she's gone.

    Good luck and blessings with your now "upwardly mobile" life!

  2. Sounds like, for the most part, things are moving along in the right direction for you.

    Condolences on the loss of your brother-in-law and your friend, Emily.

    I've found that most government offices have a lack of people who will answer the phone and even fewer who will offer up any real useful information so good for you for having the mobility and presence of mind to go to the office and give them what-for!

  3. I am blown away by the news of Alice. Didn't she just recently have a a baby?


    I am pleased though to hear that you're out and about again and can still maintain a sense of humour about your own health. That'll carry you through-and has. You're an inspiration.

    Sounds like you married into a great family,what a blessing.

  4. So sorry to hear of your BIL's passing...

    So uplifting to read of your ventures back into the WORLD! You are a great example to others who are struggling, that through perseverance, courage and keeping your eyes on the prize, you are living your life again, on your terms to the best of your ability. What an achievement.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. It sounds like he has left the world a better place and made a mark that will stand the test of time through the children he helped.

    I am sooo glad that you are out and about again. It really is life changing, isn't it? God has certainly smiled on you as you continue your miraculous recovery.

    Blessings to you and your family! Diana

  6. Kurt - I am so happy for all the wonderful things happening in your life. I am sorry about the loss of your brother-in-law, and your blogger friend.

    Keep traveling, and check in when you can!

  7. As always - my thoughts are with you.

  8. Being moble and physical therapy are so important to one's success. I still say that you are truly amazing to even get out of bed during the day after all you been through keep it go...Get um...Big daddy

  9. nice post thanks for sharing...blessings soraya

  10. So good to hear about all the good things happening in your life Kurt! It was nice to see you pop up on my blog the other day! I hope you are well. Sorry for the loss of your brother-in-law and blogger friend. I will go read her poetry/words now. All the best to you.


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