Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have a digital watch. Actually it is an analog hybrid. It runs on electricity, provided by a small nickle cadmium battery. Has a quartz timer and a Swiss movement. I like the old school type watches that require you be able to tell time by looking at the clock face. I like to say it's "quarter to ten" rather than nine-forty five. I guess I'm an elitist. Not because it's expensive, because it is not. Rather because there are actually so many people in the world today, who can't look at an analog clock and tell what time it is.

This is what my watch looks like. Notice all the delicate mechanical parts linked perfectly together, precision designed to provide what is considered one of the most accurate timepieces available. You can't see it in this picture, but around the edges of the bezel, or small LEDs allow me to see what time it is in total darkness. On occasions, I just push the button to see it light up at night, not really caring what time is. Just being amazed by the complexity of the technology that I've taken for granted.

This is an exploded view of the mechanical parts that comprise my watch. It doesn't even begin to go into the minute silicon elements that are the quartz motor and timing  mechanism. Hundreds of thousands of tiny semiconductors and the piezoelectric quartz stimulator/actuator that provides the heartbeat by which this clock keeps pace marking my journey through Einstein's space/time. A true marvel of modern technology.

If I wanted to find out who made built this watch and exactly how it was assembled all I would need is a serial number (located conveniently on the back of the watch body).  And a contact at the QA office for the manufacturer (locate not so conveniently on the owner's manual). 
I'm not disregarding the possibility that a highly complex robot system assembled this watch (I can also find out who created that robot). In either case, I understand exactly how the watch was created. Parts were designed, measured, weighed, balanced, tested, refined, replaced and stored. Individually assembled one piece at a time testing fit and function as they went. Cleaned, polished, packaged, shipped and sold.

Let's look at his watch from the point of evolutionary Big Bang theory. Completely disregarding anything to do with where did the parts come from? A problem that evolution and the Big Bang. Simply disregard. I'll grant these parts just were, or ARE. There was no creator. They just preexisted.

Tossed into a cosmic mixing bowl, close the lid and shake vigorously for 13.7 billion years. Open the box and there's your watch. Not only assembled in perfect order, with all the pieces in their proper places. But somehow this watch, of it's own volition, acquired a battery inserted it into itself, sprang into life, synchronized and running. Showing the perfect date time sequence. 

To believe that is how the Universe came about. That it put me here at my keyboard, and you at yours, reading this post, requires an incredible amount of faith. Faith in the concept of random chance. Sustained, blind, unquestioning faith at a level beyond my comprehension, and more than I am capable of. For me it is much easier to believe that there is in all powerful creator God who assembled universe, wound the mechanism, inserted batteries and set us on our path.

Map of the Universe


  1. Yeah, I like the old fashioned kind of watch with the hands and sweeps and stuff like that. Any one... well, almost anyone... can read the digital clocks...


  2. You can tell me the time ANYTIME, Hero!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral



  3. It's true - I grew up in a house filled with digital clocks and watches, and I was in the fifth grade before I learned to tell time on an analog. Now the only digital clocks I have are the ones built into stoves and other stuff. If I buy something just to tell time, I buy analog.

  4. For me, it's so hard to believe that there is an all powerful creator who intentionally assembled the universe, wound the mechanism, inserted batteries and set us on this path where there is so much pain and sorrow and sickness and anger and hurt and violence. Why is that in the equation? Why is it part of the mechanism that makes this watch tick?

    Very deep, and I wonder if it's proper to put my opinion in your comments section. I hope it doesn't offend you, it's my opinion only and nothing more.

  5. Karen,
    Please understand that having a different point of view and/or conflicting opinion from my own, will not bring scornful words or derision. Or a spanking, like on some other blogs. While I may at some time challenge your comments with my own opinions. I will at no time launch into an ad-hominem tirade. Even if you were someone I didn’t like, I would not attack you. I value your opinion. And your comments are always welcome.

  6. I'm old school as well as far as watches, women, cars.

  7. Watches are status symbols, you know?

  8. I would not like [and have never owned] a digital watch or clock[beyond my nightstand one]. I also prefer roman numerals on my watches.

    Interesting post, Kurt.


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