Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I recently had a discussion with the person I consider to be my friend. But since our relationship was still in the beginning stages, I was not sure about their religious beliefs. I do know that she had asked me to pray for someone, but I get similar requests from people that I know who have no belief in God whatsoever. But for some reason, maybe they're hedging their bets, they reach out to me for help.

She and I were discussing her feelings that she was experiencing at the loss of a lifelong friend who had died recently. And throughout this discussion I felt a pressing need to share the gospel with this person. I'm not your average stand on the corner, Bible thumping preacher. I really hate those guys. Always telling you, "you have to accept Christ, or you'll burn in hell!" Fear mongering never brought anybody closer to the Lord. But the truth of the matter is, I believe there's going to be a day, with everyone will stand before the creator and be required to make an accounting of their lives. But, when someone is trying to go to the grieving process the last thing they want to hear is some Bible thumper: how they need to get right with the Lord. It doesn't work, despite what people tell you. The love of Christ may be a great comfort when believers experienced loss. But I have been that unbeliever in my past that I remember how angry it used to make me when believers try to save my soul while I was grieving the loss of a family member.

What to do? What to do? I could ignore it. Save for another day. I mean, there is always been another day. Isn't there? Actually there is not. In cases of salvation and eternity, time is of the essence. No matter what your religious beliefs, no one can guarantee that you have three more heartbeats left. Your next one may be your last.

So loudly declare my version of Judgment Day. You, my friend, and I are standing in line waiting our turn before the judgment seat of God. This whole thing is new to you, you never believe any of this stuff. But at this point would you believe your life has a consequence. Actually it's paradoxical. When you consider the fact that in life you thought that if you could disbelieve that would be enough to avoid this situation. When in actuality your disbelief has placed you firmly in jeopardy path. And as we move closer to the head of the line and becomes evident that you are in danger.

The absolute last thing I want to happen, is for you turn to me, looked me straight in the eye, and ask, "if you knew about this, and you are really my friend, why didn't you tell me?"



  1. Hmmmm, this is a tough one my friend...I would tell your friend that you will be praying for them and then explain your beliefs when it comes to dealing with the loss. But say it in a way where it sounds like a suggestion and not in a "I'm right and you're wrong" manner.

    I wouldn't go "OMG, you never know when judgement day is, CONVERT CONVERT!". More like, "I understand your loss, life is so short so we have to live it and be the best person that we can be and that God wants us to be" or something to that affect so it shows them that you care and the ball is sort of in their corner...but you're not shoving your beliefs down their throat.

  2. I think Adrie said it best, nothing to add. You know where I stand on all this already. What I hope is that I am doing right by the people I affect, and that I am leaving this place just a little better than how I found it. If there is a "judgement" day... well I hope I am worthy, but I really do believe the time to DO is here an now, while that heart still beats, regardless of beliefs and what might be on the other end.

  3. I agree... Adrie said it best.

    And your life is an example too... who you are. And who you are is an excellent example of a Christian man - and a loving friend.


  4. Kurt,

    What to do, what to do? Well, next time you find yourself in a discussion -- why not say a silent prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to share with your friend. It's the Holy Spirits job to open your friends heart. Your a wonderful friend to pray, share and care so much and I for one am glad your on our team!

  5. I find the best way to deal with grieving people is to listen and let them grieve rather than talk and try to make them feel better.

    If I ever have to explain myself to God I can always point out that he chose me, not the other way around. If he wanted us to be Christian he shouldn't have given Moses all those mitzvot.


Don't just sit there! Say something...
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