Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Every year the leaves and trees change into bright colors from brilliant reds, purples and browns. But why? The leaves on the trees are filled with a chemical called chlorophyll 2. This chemical causes the trees to absorb light rays in the blue and red spectrum. And reflects light colors that appear to us as green. Chlorophyll 2, is an unstable element and breaks down easily in sunlight and needs to be replenished by the plant continuously. However as autumn approaches, and the temperatures dip, this process is interrupted. And as the chlorophyll depletes leaves the now reflect colors visible to us as red yellow and brown. Some plants have sugars in the leaves and causes the color change to hues visible as purples and oranges and blue. That is the process as we understand it.

My question was why colors? Science is unable to answer the question. There is no good reason on a scientific level for the presence of: color! We don't need it to find food, or to escape danger or to even find a mate. It is true that some things are easy for us identify their condition because of their color. But it is not essential. Herbivores are colorblind, as are some humans. This no way causes them to be less successful in surviving. And in some instances, brightly colored animals seem to disappear as if camouflaged and almost invisible even to fully color sighted creatures like ourselves.

For example the Tiger is brightly colored in hues of Orange black white and tawny brown.Yet despite this obvious flaw the tiger enjoys the highest success rate of predation of any four-footed creature on the planet. Where lions and cheetahs have a success rate between one in every 7 to 10 attempts. The Tiger's success rate is one in three. I have been to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and they have a very unique tiger enclosure. Unlike the Tiger River display at the San Diego zoo, the Wild Animal Park tiger enclosure has several Tigers, but they are not easy to spot. The grass and bushes are overgrown and wild and it is possible to spend hours there and never see one of the five Tigers in the enclosure. In fact I have heard people comment "are there really any Tigers in there?" I have spent several times wondering the same thing. Then on one particular occasion I had been standing there for about 10 min. and saw nothing that resembled a tiger, and when one of the keepers arrived with a wheelbarrow full of raw meat, all five Tigers magically appeared from the grass no more than 10 feet from where I was standing. They're brilliant coloration was only obvious after they began to move.

Not only is it remarkable that light waves travel at frequencies allow us to perceive the different hues, our eyes have specialized receptors that allow us to enjoy these colors. And while science is unable to explain the reason for colors, I personally believe it to be one of God's gifts to us. A way for Him to display his Majesty to us visually. Whether it be the breathtaking vistas at sunset, the amber waves of grain, the purple mountains majesty or the sparkle in someone's eyes. Color is a blessing that I enjoy.

Have a great day and enjoy the colors of Fall. Winter is coming in for some of you there won't be much color to enjoy. Be well. Be blessed. And be a blessing to others.


  1. I am happily enjoying the fact that the leaves aren't really changing yet where I am. I am sure The Frozen Tundra from whence I came is in the throes of fall foliage but I am happily basking in the beautiful weather Just South of Nowhere.

  2. I think all the colors are another way that God reminds us each day he's here...

    and I am such an advocate for color... more of 'em - brighter the better... i'm all over it. LOL

    Beautifully colorful post dear sir!
    ;-D robelyn

  3. The colors are glorious here right now and the weather has been perfect. I am always grateful for the gift of sight... so much beauty to take in when you just stop and LOOK.

  4. I do know you well enough... means the world to me. Thank you, dear friend.

  5. Great and insightful post, my friend! =D I love the changing of the colors on the trees personally :)

  6. I'm unfortunately ALSO going to have to "enjoy" raking those colors OUT of my yard....

  7. I loved this post, great insight and beautifully written.
    I love this time of year, fall colours are glorious, nature in all its beauty!

  8. Visiting via This Old House in New England; enjoying my visit. My gratitude to those who have and are serving; they can never be thanked too frequently.
    Dave, my husband, is a vet and there are many vets in my family. Thank God for all vets!
    As to colors...another undeserved blessing from the Almighty; thank You, God.


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