Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A musical Interlude

Yesterday, I found this song on a blog I follow___-heart2heart-___
and despite the fact I had never heard it before. I found this song to be uplifting. I hope you like it:



  1. Well, it's a little more uplifting than the Black Sabbath that I usually listen to....

  2. Why all the flags relaxed???

  3. Guess I needed a good cry, thanks.

  4. Kurt,

    Ah ha~ I wondered how you were going to use this. I love the power behind the music, the lyrics and the visuals that this home is only temporary for us believers. Our eternal home waits for us when we will be home soon!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Kurt,

    Ah ha~ I wondered how you were going to use this. I love the power behind the music, the lyrics and the visuals that this home is only temporary for us believers. Our eternal home waits for us when we will be home soon!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


Don't just sit there! Say something...
No se limite a sentarse allí! Di algo ...
Ne pas rester là! Dis quelque chose ...
Nicht nur sitzen! Sagen Sie etwas ...