Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm an angel

Always up in the air. And HARPing about something.

I hate to be a nag about this. NOT Really. But innocent people are dying on the streets and hi-ways of America. And in The UK it has been a problem there as well. So many non-motorcyclists are of the opinion that "Bikers willingly assume and accept the extra risk of death and dismemberment, just by riding a motorcycle." Medical and Law Enforcement people and EMTs call them "DONOR-CYCLES."

Well, I'm not amused. And I'm pretty well sick and tired of burying my friends and visiting their children to console them. So knock it off! Watch these short vids and let someone get home alive today.







  1. That third clip always gives me a jolt, no matter how many time I see it.

  2. My brother went over a hood of a car that ran through a red light. He went flying and luckily only broke his leg...

    I want that saddle...I could put my redhawk in the holster.

    later babe. xxx

  3. Never heard the "Donor Cycles" term before. That's pretty cold blooded.

  4. A while back a woman in an SUV was messing with a guy on his bike here; across the river in Indiana, actually. The come to a big ole stop sign and he gets of his bike and walks back to her SUV. She rolls down the window and shoots him in the chest.

    He recovered. She was tried and convicted. She's in jail now. Her excuse was she was threatened by him walking up to her SUV. He was not armed.

  5. That is a cool saddle...I have mixed feelings about this...You know I have a soft spot for bikers. But I have seen some crazy moves by them too. I get scared for them...

  6. I've seen the first vid, even posted it on my blog at the beginning of riding season. The second one cracked me up. When I saw the tank I knew what was coming. Very funny. The last one. Did not see that one. Apparently, neither did the driver. Can I get that seat in black? My Springfield will fit nicely in it. :) Blessings, SusanD

  7. Kurt,

    I am actually showing these to not only my daughter who is just beginning to drive but to her friends that have already received their licenses as a way to promote safer driving in all of us.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  8. And it is just not blindness that causes car drivers to kill so many motorcyclists on the road,but their resentful attitutes.

    I have seen cars deliberately cut off bikes as if they are not worthy of being on their road and do not count as a lawful vehicle that has every right to share the road!

    Great PBS post KW.

  9. Great videos and important. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Jusr fell in love with this saddle.. but I think I'd prefer to have a machine gun fixed to the bike somewhere, one quick blast and they're either dead or very worried. I ride a Yamaha Fazer 1000cc bike, I've had several close encounters with complete 'fuckwits' who A. can't see. B. don't look. C. just don't give a shit about anyone or anything else on the roads. I think that for any person male or female young or old should be given a trial period on a bike for a certain length of time before giving them the car test.. that way they might just realise that it's fucking dangerous to have assholes on the road in cars that don't look for bikers. Thank you

    Indi - Live to ride, ride to live



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