Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Abba Father,

We as a united body of believers in Jesus Christ lift our sister, Denise up in prayer tonight. We ask Lord that this precious lady be comforted in your mighty arms in which we can rest from the heavy burdens this disease places on the body and mind. We ask for a Divine Miracle in her life Lord, because despite what the doctors tell her, we know You have the answer to when her time here is up. You, the Great Physician, can heal her Lord and with the faith of a mustard seed we ask for Your Healing Hand in her life. Let her feel the warmth of your touch and rest in the comfort of Your wings.

You are Denise's shepherd, She has everything she needs. God, You will provide Denise rest in Your green pastures and calm waters. Denise has Your new strength. You will lead her on the paths that are right for the good of Your name. Give her strength and encouragement when she feels like she is alone, remind her that even though this valley seems deep and dark, we walk not in this valley alone and she will not be afraid because YOU are with her.

At times we may feel too weak to go on but Your rod and Your staff comforts us. As we walk, we will feel no evil. You prepare a meal for Denise in front of her enemies. You pour oil of blessings on her head. You fill her cup to overflowing. Surely Your goodness and love will be with Denise all of her life, and she will dwell in your house forever.

In Jesus' Mighty Name, we pray ~ AMEN



  1. Proceeding in prayer.

  2. Kurt,

    My dear sweet brother, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this prayer and post for Denise. Her husband is barely holding on when I spoke with Steve this morning.

    I am hoping that God will heal this lady and give her back to her family so she can continue a good work for Him and glorify Him through this miracle we truly believe will happen.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Amen. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your incredible mercy and provision. In this time of need we ask that Your presence, Your strength, and You confort be a palpable presence in this woman's life. May Your glory be seen and proclaimed by all who come in contact with this woman. Thank You Father that Your people are able to come to You in prayer, through the blood of Your Son - our Savior, Jesus, in who's name we lift up our prayers, and for His glory. Amen.

  4. Adding Denise to my prayers!

  5. I'll light a candle for Denise and her family.

  6. Denise and her family are in my prayers.

  7. What a beautiful prayer and sense of community support.

  8. Hey...just checking to see how your friend is doing. I hope all is well.

  9. And I pray...I believe in the power of prayer!!!


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