Saturday, October 17, 2009

Music for your soul

I have a very eclectic taste in music.

Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.


  1. My ear is trained for this- my son's a cellist. I love it.

    Thanks for reading my review. I found out it isn't as fun to read books if you are obligated to post a review by a certain date, which by the way, I missed with my first review for Tommy Nelson. *scream*

    Anyway. Thanks for the comment. And you do know I do not cheat on tests, right? Never.

    Now, on to finish book #1 for Mr. Nelson. I am behind on this whole gig. Chatty Kelly makes everything look so easy, ever notice that?

  2. I would enjoy this if I could watch them playing the instruments. It's quite a skill and one I admire greatly.

    I played the cello in Jr High for one year. I want to learn to play the violin (fiddle). :)


  3. You do have eclectic taste but so does God. Which is why each us as unqiue and different as night and day. And isn't that what makes life interesting and oh so much fun.

    Thanks for sharing this amazing piece of music. I hope you have an amazing week of fun and exploration.

  4. This sounds Great coming through my JBL Towers!

  5. Hey I just wanted to thank you for helping me with my computer memory. I forgot that I already had 1 gig installed so now I'm at maximum capacity. Yay!

    Have a great day!


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