Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kick back and jam

First to kinda kick things off, a LED ZEP GOLDIE;

Then a little Johnny Cash: sorry y'all this is as country as I get;



  1. We like different kinds of music. :-) but that's okay. I think YOU rock, even if your music doesn't. LOL!

  2. We certainly don't like the same music, but that's what makes us all so fabulous! Our uniqueness...

    My husband (a preacher) is looking at a Harley. It is a 2009 Road King and it is sure pretty, but I am not quite sure about riding a m/cycle just yet.

    Many blessings!

  3. Okay, I came back and actually hit "play" on the second video based on your recommendation. The video is awesome...and the words of the song are really neat. "THE MAN." I love "THE MAN" (Jesus). Still not a Johnny Cash fan, but still am a Krippled Warrior fan.

  4. Okay, so I clicked play on Leddy Zep and then play on Johnny and played them at the same time overlapping each other- that was weird.

    I'll take the Zep.

  5. I love Johnny Cash. I saw him on a tv charity fundraiser for Save the Children when I was just a kid and I have admired him ever since. I like his music too, and I like country western.

    I used to listen to LZ in my teens. I don't know why. LOL!

    I agree with Kelly, you ROCK!


  6. I had to come back after reading your comment over at Kelly's- to listen to the Johnny by itself without the Led Zep layer. It's a lot of talkin' with guitar playing,sorta. But the words are interesting and make me want to look up what he's talking about- Revelation?

  7. I had to let you know that there are still some people out here that appreciate great music and musicians. I absolutely loved all three.
    There are very few genres of music that I don't like (there are a few, however).
    Some time ago, I had The "Rabbit" of Seville as my special guest. I also had Johnny Cash singing The Man in Black. I had never heard this one though. Thanks for playing it.(loved a Boy Named Sue also).
    I was never able to see Led Zep live (Zeppelin is awesome)but I did see a Robert Plant concert. It was ok but just was not Zeppelin. I think it was during the 80's and he had that album out with Tall Cool One. Cheap Trick Opened (they were awesome)

  8. Thanks. I needed to hear some Led. =] Since I grew up litening to them and what not.

    Oh and by the way, I used the same analogy but instead of using wine I used ice cream. And I don't plan on finding Mr. Right, right now. In fact being single for three months has been a blessing/curse at the same time. There's good things and bad things. Okay I'm babbling I'll stop now. Keepin it real. -Becki


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