Monday, July 1, 2013



In the red corner, from parts unknown. height and weight unknown, with a record of 40 billion and 0, the current ruling heavyweight champion of the world 
In the blue corner hailing from the great fighting city of Philadelphia, home of Rocky Balboa, standing 6.'4" tall weighing in at 197 pounds with an undefeated record of zero wins six ties and zero losses, 
the current round of this bout started approximately 2 weeks ago with a trip to visit my primary care physician. I was having some swelling in my foot, so I checked into the waiting room and waited my time until a friendly nurse came in and escorted me back to the examination area. Once I was in the examination area the nurse asked me why  was I there? I told her I was experiencing some swelling in my foot… She replied only the one? I said "Well DUH, that's all I have is one" and she finally turned and looked at me and apologized. About 20 minutes later I got to see the doctor and she completely ignored my complaint about my foot being swollen and ran down a long list of tests she needed me to do. When she got to the one where she was trying to assign me to get a colonoscopy that's when I was pretty much done with everything she had to say. I let out a really frustrated sigh and reminded her for the sixth time since she became my primary care  doctor two years ago, that I don't have a colon, it was removed seven years ago, so would she please put in big red letters somewhere in my record that I do not have a colon.

 She did however convince me go get a blood test.  So, off to the lab I went. With that mild unpleasantness behind me I went to my occupational therapy lessons and was about to head home when received a notice on my phone someone had left me a voicemail. As I checked it, it was from my primary care physician and she sounded like she was almost hysterical telling me how important it was that she speak to meas soon as possible, in fact she said the word emergency. I tried return a call but because the VA uses a PBX system the number they call you from, you cannot just click call back there so I went upstairs to visit the doctor  again. This time my heart was in my throat because all I can imagine was that for some strange reason my leukemia had returned. It had not! But what had happened was my creatinine levels were high indicating that my kidneys were failing. The second set of tests performed approximately 12 hours later show my creatinine levels had gone down slightly so the doctor sent me home with a caveat, if I start to have a fever or experience any low back pain I need to get back to the emergency room immediately. This past   Tuesday I had a low-grade fever and intense pain throughout all the joints of my body so Wednesday morning I went to the emergency room and they admitted me for observation and testing.

I'm very used to having the absolute best medical staff treating me and the young interns and the old warhorses at the VA are no exception. Over the the next three days I was poked and prodded examined and measured almost constantly to the point of aggravation as they tried to gather information to find out why my kidneys were shutting down. 
The facts as they stand are;
as per sonogram there are no stones are blockages in my kidneys.
there were a few occasions over the three days my blood pressure was on the high-end of normal but nothing to suggest it is causative.
My A1C's are all under control so that doesn't appear to be a cause.
So the doctors think it might be a urinary tract infection causing the problem. This acute problem on top of the other incidences which occurred during my chemotherapy reaction seemed to explain why my creatinine levels are so high (4.7) and now I am at home waiting for appointments to be followed up by the nephrologists. I'll post more as I learn.

God bless you all especially those who I have been able to reach out and ask  for prayer support.


  1. Well jeez, I'm kinda annoyed that you had to explain the abscense of a foot and a colon - really??... *sigh*.. but I sure am glad that you are feeling better and they've gotten this under control. Sending more prayers your way for continued healing -

  2. OMG I can't believe you had to remind the doctor that you did not have a colon!

    Keep us updated .

    You're in my prayers.

  3. Good Lord, Kurt...

    Bless your heart. I can not believe all you have endured.


  4. You are always so much in my thoughts and prayers. I love you alllllllll the way from here.


  5. Kurt- I am just playing catch up after being gone. I am SO SO SO sorry that you have to go through this. I know you are in good hands but that doesn't make things any easier, does it? I hope they can figure out WHAT is going on rather than just trying to treat symptoms. God bless you, my friend. I will certainly keep praying for you. xo Diana

  6. dear kurt,

    just wanted you to know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers, my good friend.

    i don't doubt that you can get through it alone, but why should you have to? i'm here for you.
    if i had a flower for every time i thought of you, i would walk forever in my garden.

    big hugs!

  7. Kurt- I hope that this is okay with you. I am going to ask for prayers for you tomorrow on my blog. I think that the 4th of July is perfect for you to honor what you have done for our country and my family. Blessings- xo Diana

  8. Kurt, just found you through Nana Diana, the computer queen. It's so heartbreaking to hear your medical trauma! I'm saying a prayer for your well-being this morning and I wanted to wish you a Happy 4th of July! Thank you!

  9. Dear Kurt,

    I am visiting you from Nana Diana's blog. I want to thank you for your service to our country! I have said a prayer for you this morning. May God Bless You!!


  10. Hi Kurt- NanaDiana, that crazy blonde, is sending all of us over here today and for us all to put you on our prayer list. After reading your last post, you really need it. Praying that God heals your body and gives you peace and rest. Thank you for your service. ;)

  11. Hi Kurt, I am another one of those that NanaDiana sent your way. I want you to know that I am praying for you that you get the answers you deserve to find out what is really going on. Thank you for serving our country. I am a mother of a vet with chemical asthma so I know some about the VA doctors. Hope you have a Happy 4th of July. Many Hugs and Prayers from a Missouri Friend.

  12. Hi Kurt..stopping by from Diana's Very nice to meet you. ...praying for you right now....( & wanting to slap that Dr. ). sorry that you are going thru all of this.....& many, many Thanks for your service for our freedom... trusting for you a good day ahead...
    ( now off to read more of your story )

  13. Kurt,
    I just came over to your blog from Diana's. I just want to say I will pray for you and have good thoughts for healing and you will return to some kind of normal soon. Thank you for letting us celebrate today. Our freedom. Your sacrafice to serve this country and keep us free are a blessing and a simple thank you is not enough. Please know there are so many of us out there that are so blessed to have soldiers like yourself that give so much of your life to keep us free. I am so sorry your are having all these health issues. This should not be. I wish you the best.

  14. I'm another friend of that ditzy blond, Nana Diana, coming by to say thank you for your service to our country, and wishing ou all the best as you keep fighting. May God bless you with better health.

  15. Hi Kurt, Another of Diana's friends here! I will add my prayers to those of the others, and I wish you a Happy 4th of July.

  16. Hi Kurt! Yes, I'm another of Nana Diana's followers. I also live in Philadelphia and my husband is a former Marine who gets treated at the VAMC so I know where you are coming from. I am praying for you and hope things will settle down with your health issues. I also thank you for all you have done for this country. You are a true hero. I hope you are having a good Independence Day. I'll be stopping back to visit again.

  17. Another of Diana's followers here!!!
    Sending prayers your way - from Montreal, Canada
    Happy 4th of July to you - I'm Canadian - but we appreciate all you do as well - believe me
    Much love,

  18. Hi Kurt, yes, I'm another of Diana's friends stopping by to wish you well and thank you for your service, which has allowed us to celebrate this day of freedom. My prayers go out to you. I'm sorry for all that you are having to deal with. I hope today finds you rested and feeling well, and that you find the answers you need. Bless you.


  19. Kurt hoping on over from Diane's blog.Thank you for your service.Having had family in the military I know the sacrifice that you made.We will be praying for you.
    God bless you!

  20. Dearest Kurt, First, thank you so much for giving your honored service for our country! My prayers are with you...I speak healing for your body. I know about the "c" thing, and I am HEALED of the LORD! I understand what can happen with the medical field..been there. Bless you and Be of good Courage! Roxie

  21. Kurt, wishing you a Happy and Blessed 4th of July! Thank you for your service to our Country and for our freedom! You have a wonderful friend in Nana Diana! I will be praying for you!!

  22. Hey Kurt! I'm a reader of Nana Diana does NOT need a break and saw your link. My husband retired from Lockheed Friday after 28 years. He also retired from the Air Force after 30 years and has a Purple Heart.

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Sending prayers your way. Donna

  23. Hey Kurt! I'm a reader of Nana Diana does NOT need a break and saw your link. My husband retired from Lockheed Friday after 28 years. He also retired from the Air Force after 30 years and has a Purple Heart.

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Sending prayers your way. Donna

  24. Hello. Nana Diana sent me over here. I'm so sorry you're not feeling too good. I'll be praying for you. God bless you.


  25. Hi, Kurt, I'm a friend of Nana Diana's. I saw your link on her blog today. You will certainly be in my prayers. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well! Thank you for your service to our country! Without you we would not be able to celebrate our freedom today! May god keep you in His loving arms!

  26. Kurt, thank you for serving; visiting via NanDiana (I think but memory is a poor servant and that was a few minutes ago...ugh). Your name is being put on my Sabbath Keeping Prayer Keeping list so others and I will pray for you.

  27. Visiting from NanaDiana, she's such a sweetheart and thinks you are too, so she's shared you with all of her friends! Thanks so very much for your service, praying for you!

  28. Kurt,
    I am coming over from Nana Diana's blog. You are going through so much right now, and may God be with you during this difficult time.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  29. Visiting from Nana Diana. God bless you and thanks so much for serving our country. It's because of men like you that we remain a free nation. Get well soon.

  30. Well thank God for NanaDiana, it looks like she really got the word out for you and I for one am glad. It is an honour to come here today and say "thank you." I look forward to visiting more often and will be sending good thoughts and an avalanche of prayers for your kidneys. I've been borderline dialysis for about twelve years so it is possible to hand in there. Blessings to you and thank you...doesn't seem like much but it does come from my heart.

  31. dear Kurt, I want to thank you for your service in helping to make our country safe. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish there is something I could do for you to help you. I will pray for you every night that God will make you well
    Be safe my friend - you are loved.

  32. I am new here. I don't have a colon either and I have kidney disease. If I end up in ER, I have to basically tell the doctor what to do.

  33. Hi Kurt, hope you know you have many friends out there rooting for you! Stay strong and be well!

  34. Nana Diana's blog she introduced me of you .
    I am in Canada but beautiful Diana had brought me to your attention you need prayer. I will pray for you.

    It does not matter how far we are in distances . Your a man who fights for your country. I applaud you.

    I will keep you in my prayers .

    A prayer warrior from Canada.

    God Bless you

  35. Prayers for your treatment and recovery.

  36. Another visit to your blog. My hubby uses VA for his medical care, they have some awesome doctors here, hope those that are where you are, are as good. They put his elbow back together, after a private specialist said it would never work, again. 16 years later, you can't tell it was ever shattered, unless you see the scar.

  37. Hi Kurt: I'm a little late getting around to thanking you for your service to our beautiful country but the sentiments are still as heartfelt. I'm praying that you get to feeling better..Take Care, Judy

  38. Kurt,
    I want to thank you for your service and all you have done for us. I love your writing and can just imagine the nurse and doctor herding you in there and not really taking a moment to see you, the patient and really listen to you...geez! Good thing you have a sense of humor. I hope you are feeling better. Thinking of you!

  39. I am a friend of Nana Diana's. God bless you. Hoping that they find the answers that you need. So sorry for all that you have gone through. Thank you so much for serving our country. I worry a lot about the wounded soldiers. My son was in the military and served overseas. Take care and let that sweet Diana continue to keep us on our toes praying for those so deserving.

  40. Kurt, hope you are feeling better, it's been a few days! More prayers for recovery for you today, Sunday. Christ beside you!

  41. Dear Kurt. as with the others; how awful that the health professionals were not fully up to date with your medical history ... you would think that is their job before any consultation with a patient... however, sounds like you are getting good care aside from that! Praying that you re feeling great and healthy in no time.. Thoughts are with you..


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