Sunday, May 12, 2013

Celebrate with me

The most intelligent man I have ever known,
My son Kyle 
graduated from
The Southern California Seminary
A Master's Degree in Divinity
on Saturday 5/11/2013

seated- my son Kyle
left to right standing
-Whitney, a friend of my son
-two members of the youth group from the church where Kyle works
-Daniel (bearded) youth pastor at the church where Kyle works
-Amanda my beautiful daughter


  1. Congratulations Kyle! You've got your Dad's strong determination, what a great accomplishment. Much success and fulfillment to you in your future endeavors.

  2. aww!!!
    congrats, Kyle!

    you're awesome! kurt, you must be so proud of him!
    what a great accomplishment!
    love that photo, too.

    have a lovely week ahead!

    big hugs


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