Monday, January 14, 2013

Remember this?


  1. Yeah that was a terrible time in Americia's history but America is not the only country with such terrible things in it's history

  2. I remember, Kurt. I also remember Obama talking about those people who cling to their guns and Bibles...

    I know what he will go after next.

    This is a sad sad time in this country's history.


  3. There is no way that guns will be banned...there would be an uprising. There would be more death by people with guns at that point - by the ones wanting to keep them & by the ones wanting to take them away.

  4. Obama is nothing but bad news for our beautiful country and I cannot believe anyone would have voted for him again. We desperately need a miracle. Guns won't be banned but the idea of it is sickening. Do criminals abide by laws? No. So, what makes them think they will abide by this one? The next thing on Obamas list is banning religion, isn't it? We already took God out of school which is GARBAGE because they can teach every other theory. Sigh, Kurt, this pregnant lady bringing in a child to this wretched country could ramble on and on about how horrible things are but that's for another day, my friend!

  5. I do remember that, Kurt. I was young and heartbroken because I was the age of those students- xo Diana


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