Thursday, January 24, 2013

My 15 minutes begins now

As most of you may know, I have a very deep seeded love for motorcycles that has lasted my entire life. The people who  share this love are some of the most lovable people on earth. And despite loosing my ability to throw my leg over a tooled leather seat, that love I have for the sights and sounds and smells of motorcycles hasn't diminished 1 iota.  So at every chance I get I got to biker functions. And here is what resulted from a visit some bikers......

the article states that there is a fund for upgrading my bike to make it more KrippledWarrior friendly. While I feel that's all nice and fuzzy, I'm posting this because I made it into a BIKER MAGAZINE, not to solicit donations from friends.


  1. Congrats !

    Honestly I only look at bikes for the women on top of them, like in Exhibit A, for example.

    I would like to make it in a motorcycle magazine as one of the broads wrapped around someones Harley!!
    Oh the dream!!

  3. That's wonderful Kurt. The escorted ride made me teary. Still you' do exactly the same thing. :)

    What a bunch of wonderful fellows you all are. xo

  4. How COOL is THAT???!!!!...

    ..and they're gonna pimp your ride so you can ride it again? Kurt, I will happily contribute to that fund. Where can I find it?

  5. ... never mind.. I just figured it out.. I read the small

  6. Kurt! Congratulations! I am so happy for you- what an honor!!! My hubby and I used to ride, too. He had brain surgery several years ago and so his sense of balance is off. We quit riding at that point. I still ride with my son once in a one believes that I love motorcycles...but I do and always did. I hope you can get one that would work for you- wouldn't that be something? If I had BIG MONEY I would buy you one! Hugs- Diana

  7. They're going to pimp your ride! Cool!

  8. Congratulations. I have never ridden a bike but I have some elderly friends who just love their bikes. Hope with the modifications you'll be on the road again.

  9. Hi Kurt! That is AWESOME! How do I get my copy of the mag? I have lots of friends with motorcycles and I have ridden on the back of a motorcycle many times. My father used to ride one. The most exotic places I was on the back of a motorcycle were Mexico and Japan! I'd love to read your story in the magazine. Is there a link to it on the web?


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