Thursday, November 8, 2012

some photos of the recent days

at the end of my block is a barricade. It is meant to keep people from going up into the hills behind my home. I rolled my wheelchair up there the other day and someone had broken the lock.

this is a warning sign tells you to NOT go past that barricade. I guess the barricades there for people who can't read.

this is yours truly, about to ignore both the sign and barricade.

same face new angle.

The sign and the barricade

with the barricade behind me,
moving toward the dead and the road

All that is really out there is the remnants of the wildfires from 2003 and 2007. You can see on the hillside that even the scrub brush hasn't grown back yet.

these are some shots from the legal side of the barricade.

there's really no reason for me to go on the other side of the barricade. I guess in this instance the grass is not greener on the other side.

this one last picture is from my living room makes a kind of wonder why I went outside begin with.

counting my many blessings.


  1. Such a beautiful part of the country you live in, Kurt.. wow, what a view. I know I've said that before.

    And I had no idea you live so close to one of the sites of those horrendous wildfires we have heard about in recent years... that was WAY too close for comfort, so glad you didn't lose your home.

  2. Glad you didn't get a ticket, or hauled to jail.

  3. you look STRONG, Bro!!!!!!!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    ~ > < } } ( ° >

    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >


  4. Hi from the UK. Just wanted to say what beautiful pictures. Glad you were not affected by the fires.

  5. you look great, kurt!

    love, love, love all of these photo!

    what beautiful views and serene sunsets!

    i thoroughly enjoyed your post.

    happy weekend and blessings to you!

    big hugs~


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