Saturday, February 25, 2012

WTF Music

Back in the 70s there were 2 songs that made it on to radio play lists. However they didn't last long. Take a listen and see if you can figure out why.

ROSIE by Jackson Browne


TIMOTHY by The Buoys

Enjoy your weekend


  1. I'm gonna have to come back and listen later when MyHero is not watching TV right next to me. I am guessing language or political content?

    Do you know that Jackson Brown comes here (for the last 3 years or so) and did a free concert to save a local steel bridge that was in danger of being demolished? He knows my youngest son that had a small music store in the area.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Diana

  2. So I don't ruin it for anyone else - I'm just glad I didn't eat breakfast yet and even gladdererer (I just made that up for this comment) that these guys aren't getting air time in the States anymore!

  3. You have been tagged on my blog! Swing on by and read all about it :0) xo


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