Monday, July 18, 2011

An award.

The nice lady who writes her blog at:

gave me this

It's time for a little update.
The eye surgery went well. Thank you my friends for all your words of encouragement and support. Although the sight in the left eye is far from perfect. It beats hell out of the TOTALLY BLIND that it was 3 weeks ago. Because of that surgery, the surgeon took me off the physical therapy for 6  weeks. But I'm doing my stretch and reach work at home, and still going to Occupational Therapy.

Remember, I told you about visiting my dentist for the first time since my Chemo event? The dentist noticed a small lesion on my lip, just below the corner of my right nostril. He wrote a consult for dermatology and I got the results of my biopsy today. 
I've been told that if I'm gonna have a NOMA. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA is the one to have. But I can't help but wonder why MY FACE? 
It's such a pretty face.

On a more serious note.
My son got his wheelchair this weekend.
The one thing I feared most in my life, since I was 13, confined to a wheelchair, became a reality for me at age 55. Once realized, it turns out it isn't as bad as I feared it would be. Don't get the wrong idea, it sucks ass. But it doesn't make me want to quit living, like I thought it would. And despite being frustrated by it. I have not blamed or been angry with my God for this being my destiny. I still hold out hope that I will get strong and walk again. But on the other hand, my son's condition continues to get worse. 

And God!
That pisses me off...


  1. Congratulations on the award.

    Blessings to your son. I can stand more for myself than I can for my children. (that doesn't sound right, but I don't know how to make it sound different) I'm sure you feel the same way.

  2. congrats on the well-deserved award, Kurt!

    Blessings to your precious son.


    I keep praying for things to get better for you and yours.

    SO sad:(

  3. OH that's just not fair. Kurt, you have an amazing outlook on life. You teach me valuable lessons now and then and remind me to take stock of all that is good, letting go of things I can't change. Easier said than done.

    My mom has had many basal cells, has had them burned and chemo-creamed off, she's doing just fine. She was never a sun worshipper either. It just is what it is.

    Love and prayers to you and your son.

  4. I just signed up as your newest follower...don't know why-lol I was blog hopping and yours popped up- I came, I read, I stayed. I like your off-beat sense of humor-I have a similar one-so, buddy, you are stuck with me now! Diana

  5. Oooppps- meant to say- Congrats on the award!

  6. OMG where have I been...I hope your okay Warrior...I'll be praying for you...keep us informed your not in any pain are you....cause I can take care of that....I can call the Dr. and make a big fuss for you....I would do it you know...Mwahhh I have missed you

  7. Hi there, Kurt. You are an amazing man... you keep confronting issues and you continue to win...

    I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers...


  8. My sweet man...

    Congratulations on your award... you are indeed amazing! As for your "noma"...
    there's not one thing in this world that can take away from the beauty of you. Nothing.

    As for your son... my heart hurts. I love you and am praying for you both...


  9. Blessing to you and your son, my dear & courageous friend!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


  10. You're in my thoughts.

    Congratulations on your award. Well deserved.


    I would be such a bitch if I was you.

    It is far worse when a young person such as Baby Warrior ends up in a wheelchair that an old fart like you. :)

    Sending you all my best wishes and love for both Baby and Papa Warrior.

  12. Oh sweetie, I am most apologetic for not visiting more often. You are my hero and you bring me such joy every time I see a comment from you!
    My heart breaks for the $hit that has been sent you are the most courageous warrior ever!
    I will keep you close to my heart and hold your lovely son and yourself in my prayers and wish you nothing but good vibes!!
    Big Big Squishy Hugs xOxO Nerina


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