Monday, December 27, 2010


For Christmas, my son gave his mother (and in this day and age I'm forced to add, she is also my wife, thanks "MODERN FAMILY", a Canon Flatbed color scanner. I had an HP scanner many years ago. It was huge, loud, slow and very finicky.

As a testimony to Canon and their new, light-weight modern technology, My wife and I became quickly enamored of this toy tool.

It's quiet, fast, easy to use. Easy to install & configure. And it gives fantastic results, as shown in these images copied from some prints we have in 1 of the dozen or so photo albums we have collected during 29 years of our marriage.

This is my son Kyle. Now 24, when he was celebrating his 3rd Christmas.
Good looking kid. Must be something to that heredity stuff, huh?

This is the little girl, for which no mortal will be good enough to suite her dad.
Amanda, just into the terrible 2s, and 20 years later, still in that phase.

This is how I picture my children, much to their chagrin, when I think about them.
And this is a group photo of the 1979, 1980, 1981 

League Softball Champions.
(Can you spot me in there?)

 tell me what cool thing showed up under your tree.


  1. Thanks for dropping by and for the sweet message. I appreciate your gracious efforts, especially given our ups and downs. You are living the true holiday spirit. Blessings to you as well.

  2. Great Photos! :-)

    Happy New Year from So. California. No snow here but a lot of rain storms and mud slides! Of course I don't have to tell you that :-)

    I hope you and your family had a Wonderful Christmas Celebration.

    God Bless You, ~Ron

  3. Love this post, Kurt. I think you're the guy on the left with the shades...and since your daughter is still in the "terrible twos" she must keep you young :-)

    I got a new Canon SLR and I am doing a Happy dance.

    Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy New Year -

  4. LOL Kurt - I love this!!! They are so cute... I KNOW they got it from you!!!!

    The coolest thing that showed up under my tree were some little wooden hands... because someone payed enough attention to know I like odd-ball hands. LOLOLOL I know, I'm so weird.

    Have fun with your scanner! I think you should do a photo a week with the story behind it... yep...


  5. Happy New Year!!

    A scanner?!? What a great idea!!! I need to get one of those!!

    Those are great pics of the little ones... they grow up Oh so fast... :o(


  6. Those pictures are wonderful...! That looks like a great scanner. Hmmmm... That gives me an idea...

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Kurt...!



  7. interesting photos! hilarious captions too. ahha..enjoyed reading your post. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011! :)

  8. Now what a thoughful gift! You'll now be able to permanently save all of those wonderful memories.

  9. Wow that's some printer.
    What cool things turned up under my tree? My 3 nieces. We decided to fly to Canada to spend Xmas with my brother. :)

    Merry Christmas Kurt.

  10. Nice, I need to get one of those, I have tons of pics I need to scan.

  11. Nice.

    A 21 year old California newbie, who happens to be my son, showed up under my tree for Christmas- best gift of the season.

    (Plus I have a daughter-in-law to be, as of tonight- so an after the holidays gift- BUT mums the word KW! I'm not allowed to share the news yet) :) !!!!

  12. Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    - David


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