Wednesday, July 7, 2010


These beautiful images of waves were taken by  Clark  Little whom many consider the premier photographer of surf.  He has dedicated his life to photographing waves and has published a selection of the best images of his career.  Below he captures magical moments "inside the tube", as surfers say.


  1. Have I said that I would like to be SURFING those waves? Yes indeedy...

    my hat might not make the whole surfing expedition - but a bike ride? HECK YEAH!!!

    :-) robelyn

  2. These are amazing! Thanks for sharing. Have a fabulous day. Blessings, SusanD

  3. Just the perfect thing to take me away on a virtual vacation. What a talented photographer. Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. Loved these waves Kurt, especially the last one, for some reason.
    It just brought out the magic in the sea!
    The first photo just made me feel how powerless we all are against the sea.

    Big hugs!

  5. Great pictures! I thought maybe you had taken them at first.

    Thank you for praying with me on my blog - it is great to have so many lifting those in need up to the Lord.

    hey! I rode my husband's Harley for the first time last week! I posted about it - it was better than i thought, but still a little scary for me!

  6. Beautiful pics...That was my favorite thing to do in Cali...Watch the surfer dudes...

  7. Beautiful photos, Kurt...

    Thank you so much for your advice on my post about the death of my friend... what a wonderful and gracious comment... thank you!


  8. Wow, that last so beautiful. IT's like the shell that brought forth...venus.

    cool pics.
    later xxx


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