Monday, July 26, 2010


The game has been fun. The evidence to support my theory has been collected. And the court of public opinion is now in session. The case of THE PEOPLE vs. CORNHOLIO (aka Blase) is now on the docket.

As you know, on 13 July 2010, I wrote a farewell post titled "LAST CALL"

What you don't know, is that my blog is set to send an email to me, whenever a comment is made on a posting. There were 36 comments of a friendly or benign nature, and two hostile, for a total of 38. The 2 hostile comments came within seconds of each other. Indicating, in my opinion, they were written by the same person...
For the record, I submit EXHIBIT 1 into evidence:
Now if this were all I had to go on, this would have changed nothing. In fact it was icing on the cake that precipitated my decision to leave the blog-o-sphere. But just out of curiosity, I checked the "FEEDJIT" tool in my side bar, just to see what part of the world I had managed to inspire. And for posterity sake, I did a "SCREEN SNAPPER" of the entry.

If it pleases thecourt, I submit exhibit "B" into evidence:
This was curious. The "FEEDJIT" app is designed to be method for friends to show that they dropped by, and didn't necessarily feel compelled to leave a comment. But as you see, it also serves as a forensics collection tool of sorts. It does not provide the IP address used in the HTTP GET request sent to port 80. In fact it only shows the Name of the city where the connection to the INTERNET took place. In other words, The ISP (Internet Service Provider) data center's BORDER ROUTER.

To show what I mean, this is what "FEEDJIT" shows when I access my blog:

It says El Cajon, California. I don't live in El Cajon. But Cox Cable's Western San Diego Data Center has its Internet BORDER ROUTER in El Cajon. This Data center is the Internet Uplink (Default Gateway) for 400,000 customers. So timing is of the essence when trying to determine if this is me, or someone who shares the same data center as me. Is this clear?

Since there is only 1 connection listed from El Cajon, And I know that is where I connect from. It is safe to assume this is me. The "0 secs ago" confirms this was the newest entry. And the "Some Things I Have Learned" confirms this "Screen Snapper" happened on my blog, and not say, at the one Heff has on his blog.

So Mr/Ms ANONYMOUS hails from Cary, North Carolina. And I made the "Screen Snapper" 12 minutes after the connection was made. 5 minute delay between the time Blogger sends the massage, and my POP (Post Office Protocol) client queries the Gmail server,. Another 5 minutes for me to hear the "Got Mail" chime, take a look, read and laugh at this jerk. And another 2 minutes to dicide on a plan and execute the steps needed to collect the "Screen Snapper."

Then at 9:55 AM 20 July 2010 Cornholio (aka Blase) leaves, the now infamous "Pfsst" comment:

But before I can get a  Screen Snapper, the FEEDJIT has nothing from Raleigh, North Carolina (the purported Home town of the worlds wisest man).


I needed a way to get more input from Cornholio and his minions.
But how do you get a Narcissist like CORNHOLIO to comply? Oh Mighty Blase! My omnipotent lord of the Ethernet.Would you and a few of your "Greatest Followers" Groupies, please leave a few comments so that I can compare the results against an Anonymous comment I received the other day?

That may have worked. You never can tell when you are dealing with a member of THE ELITE CLASS MENTAL DEFECTIVE LEAGUE.

But I do know how to get them to react. I had a father who had this very same problem. I was an expert at lighting his fuse, and getting him to go POSTAL. Just challenge him in public, and he will dance like a puppet on a string.

But I also needed to clear the decks. Because a loose cannon can not be aimed when it goes off. And I needed to minimize the traffic to my site, so that I could get the data to hold up in this forum. So, I declared WAR on CORNHOLIO, and asked all the friendlies to stand back.

And true to form Mr Blase danced like Mr Bojangles.


Blasé said...
Your new background... I'm impressed! Has Ophhilia seen it? I hear she likes her some purple.
Blasé said...
ok...I'm not sure who let this "B.S." (Brittany Sommer,Yankee of some sort) on the loose, but somebody needs to throw her back in the pond or something. ..Damn!
Blasé said...
..and who the hell is she talking too???
Blasé said...
HEY BS! Come over to my Blog. I've got a song for you that will make you let down your hair and shake your bootay like there is not tomorrow. Trust me.
Blasé said...
..screw my misspelling, it's FRIDAY and I feel as groovy as a Tar Hell Muther F***er!
Blasé said...
Knock Knock Who's there? If you'd wouldn't worry so much about who is at the damn door all the time and just let me in...we could have as much fun as the "Whole Hee Haw Gang" WHOOOOooooo, Oh Yeah, Baby!
Blasé said...
What do you get when you cross a dead fish with a rotten corpse? It doesn't matter, just get rid of the shi*
Blasé said...
Why did the Chicken cross the road? TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE. It ALWAYS has been that, and it always WILL be that.
Blasé said...
my back hurts...I'm going to go lie down somewhere.
Dutch donut girl said...
Seriously, HH, was this really necessary? I have never seen such a vicious and mean-spirited attack on the the blogosphere. He's not King of the hill, but who are we kidding, neither are you. Bullying your friends? If this isn't a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is. And you didn't find that shit (aka NPD symptoms) in a book, you found it on Wikipedia. You could have handled this situation better. You don't like the guy? Fine, you don't have to. But declaring a state of war is going way overboard. Why are you doing this? Because you are not putting an end to this BS, you are the one who started it all by being offensive and insulting. Frankly, I expected better of you. Read your own words and tell me who's the real bully here. So yeah, I am taking sides. But I suppose that's what you wanted all along. For your readers to take sides. Your side. I'm sorry, but this has left a bad taste in my mouth.
Blasé said...
Easy there, Double D! I appreciate the love and you know you're my Girl and everything, but I've got this Old Timer inside of a bunker and I'm about to shovel dirt over it. Ain't going to be no white flag waving on Blasé's part.
Blasé said...
Double D, HH might have Ms Anthropy fooled...but that's ok. Everyone needs to be loved and that is where Ms A comes in.
Blasé said...
My back needs massaging and I wouldn't have Ms A touch it for all the money in the world. I got chicks that are COOL over at my Blog...
Blasé said...
I've turned over a new leaf...tomorrow Blasé shall start a new life.......reading BOOKS! The first book I read will have something to do with- "NPD" (whatever the hell that means...It is my current understanding that I've got the symptoms)
Blasé said...
Whenever I need the pages turned (on my books..duh!)...I will have my harem lick their fingers and turn them for me...preferably naked.
Blasé said...
Ms A is NOT invited...
Blasé said...
Blasé will now lean his back up against Forrest Gump and get some sleep tonight. I'll watch his back, and he'll watch mine. Tomorrow, unless enemy fire has overtaken us, I shall regroup my men and once again show the Blogosphere who THE MAN is around these here parts. Don't judge me, y'all don't know me. Peace and Love
Michelle Faith said...
Ok I get it, You guys are setting this all up to get some good hits. Well its working, cause this has got me laughing my ass off...and that is a LOT of ass to laugh off. Hell this made my night. You two are so bad ass, no really very good stuff. Nice to Meet you KW...looking forward to more.
Blasé said...
yaaaawn [rubbing eyes, whiping snot off lips].. HEY MICHELLE! While you're shaking hands with the enemy/HH...keep your eyes on the hand you can't see (it's got a knife in it). North Korea ain't got shit on HH. FYI: Please don't laugh too much of your "ass off" because I like my women with some 'junk-in-the-trunk' (more to hold on to...)
Blasé said...
HEY HH! I've got more lint collecting in my navel than you've got comrades. Bring ON your Army...I'll take them on ONE by ONE. Your silly/sissy rules don't jive with me. Where is that Karen? Is she still taking pictures of all the men doing the work on her house? When is she going to lay down her camera and pickup a hammer or something?
Blasé said...
..and why is it when I "publicly follow" 'Some Things I have Learned'...the whole damn list gets the boot?? You don't appreciate some FLAVOR in your blog?
Blasé said...
I'm such a STRAIGHT SHOOTER that I've lost more "followers" than you will ever COLLECT...MOFO! Do you think I care, OLD Bearded One? Haa HAA! You can have your "ChristyJesusLou" type of followeres. BIG DEAL/OR NO DEAL!
Blasé said...
..and WHERE IS that preacher-woman? What is her name? OH YEAH.....Chatty Kelly. Is she still praying for me? Well, if she ain't doing a damn bit of good. More fasting is needed, I'm sure.
Blasé said...
I need breakfast............. "HEY SWEETBABY..GET YOUR BIG ASS IN THE KITCHEN BEFORE I GET OUT MY BELT" ..ha..y'all should see her running
Blasé said...
That was good...damn good. They don't make women like SweetBaby, anymore. 'Today's Women' don't have a freakin' CLUE.
Blasé said...
HEY HH, I could play 'Hop-Scotch' wearing a tutu with makeup...and I would STILL be more manly than YOU. Just ask my women over at my Blog. My women don't wear training bras, and they aren't spoiled with sensitive feelings like your followers are.
Blasé said...
I got an idea...... How 'bout you and your women/Army have a Bible study and I'll come over and lead the prayer........................rightafter they do a strip-search on me.
Blasé said...
You might have the better looking blog background (I'm still impressed) and you might be more handsome than me (very,very debatable)....but I've got the better looking women over at my Blog. Trust me.
Blasé said...
My women will tell you straight UP- "If you don't follow Blasé, that is YOUR loss, not his". Go ahead, ask them.
Blasé said...
I read in a book-

"At Blasé's Blog, you get 'The Cream of the Crop' and 'The Gravy'.....but at HH's Blog, you get leftovers and crumbs"

but, you can't believe everything you read in a book.
That was a very disturbed man venting his anger and frustration at everyone but me. None of you commented his blog.  But I went over there and strung a slew of sailor words at him. and in response he comes over here and goes through the nasty attack against everyone but me. The only person to take it to the source was the brave Dutch Donut Girl. 

God bless the Dutch.

But there's more. when CORNHOLIO went into Messiah Mode, This is what the FEEDJIT Showed:

This address was identical to the one that occurred when Mr/Ms Anonymous came through.
This happened 27 times in one afternoon. But I thought CORNHOLIO lived in Raleigh???

I needed a "CONTROL SAMPLE" another person, who lived in another part of the world, But with some level of certainty as to location... Now who could that be??? 

Doesn't the Brave DDG live in Holland? Why yes I think she does.
All I needed was a comment from here and a corresponding FEEDJIT...

Well guess what?

And Here's the concurrent FEEDJIT...
 That El Cajon entry is the KW. and 0 seconds confirms it is me. And There is the Holland entry, right below it. Hey Dutch Girl! Do you like Apples?
Well how you like them apples?


The results are obvious. Either CORNHOLIO is the ANONYMOUS commenter. Or there is more than one member of:
coming onto the Internet through the same Data Center.
You decide. As for me, CORNHOLIO will never be  allowed to leave comments on my blog again.
All comments you make here will be deleted, CORNHOLIO.





  1. Nice work, but are there ANY people out there that don't have the comments emailed to them and use Feedjit ??

    I guess there ARE !

  2. I don't use Feedjit. I use Stat counter which does give me their ISP data and where they came from and left to. You should get it KW.And use Toolator to block him if you really want to.

    But you should let that wankstains comments stand so we can all have a go.

    You know I live for this shit.

    I even bought a new dress for the soiree[and new machete].

    Bring wankstain back, is my vote.
    We'll have a nice pig roast with boiled cornholios.

  3. Don't delete the crud ! I am just getting warmed up. :)

  4. Don't you just love a good mystery solved! The next time I'm playing Clue your going to be Mr. Mustard in the Drawing Rooom.

  5. Why not? You're to nice by far KW.
    Look at it as a charity, we're helping him to be a better human being or atleast a fascimile of one.

    His bleatings are a pitiful cry for help-how can we NOT help him?

    You know I am practically Mother Teresa.

  6. Just a little tidbit of info to you: Did you know that "blase" means "to blow" in German ?

  7. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    It was the BUTLER!!!
    ;-) robelyn

  8. WOW! I've been gone too too long!!
    You Rock!


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