Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, sooner or later, I was needing to explain the situation that precipitated my abrupt decision to close out my blog. And then to do an immediate "ABOUT-FACE" and start back 2 days later.

And the mail-bag has the key answer.

I have been in the process of moving my health care from the very wonderful people at Kaiser-Permanente, who saved my life. To the heretofore unknown resources at the VA. During this transition, I discovered that the medication I was taking to prevent stomach trouble, was actually an Anti-Depressant (I thought I was doing fine, because my blood type is B POSITIVE). I had conquered daily mega-doses of IV morphine. and 8 -- 250mg Vicodin pills/day, cold turkey. Without a single symptom of withdrawal (Try telling me there is no GOD). What problem could a tiny little pill called PAXIL, do to a big old Grizzly Bear like me?

So, with my new doctor's permission (try and see what effect it causes) I stopped taking this wonderful little pill. Within 24 hours I was an emotional basket-case. I was watching The Three Stooges (I love The Stooges). But rather than experiencing my normal giggle-fest, I was crying like a Russian Gymnast at the Olympics. This shock to the system coincided with a flurry of comments from an anonymous admirer. So rather than to continue suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, I drafted that tear jerkin good-bye message, posted it and went looking for cheap thrills and some info on Quantum Entanglement.

A few hours later, the bells and alarms started ringing like the GENERAL QUARTERS KLAXON. The INBOX was taking some serious hits. Please recall that I am listed in various hacker sites. And my INBOX alarm doesn't really mean people are trying to contact me. It often is the harbinger of a new e-mail attack being launched.

Then I started getting messages from my FaceBook Account (Something that is rare), and when I looked at those. They were prompts to look at my KRIPPLEDWARRIOR@GMAILCOM. And when I started reading the Fan Mail, I felt like a ROCK STAR. Sure there were the usual things announcing that I had won the Lottery, and a few Invest in Gold adverts. But the Ultra-Majority were from you:

Offers to help.
Condolences & Pleadings to reconsider.
A few TUFF LOVE Notes
And a lynch mob, looking for some ANONYMOUS BLOOD.

And now YOU KNOW...

Thank you all so very much.
May the Good LORD make his face to shine upon you. May you live in the shelter of his shadow. May he place a hedge of protection around you and yours. And may He Make the ground rise up to meet your foot-steps. Amen!


  1. Big cyber {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}

  2. .....and I missed the whole darn thing cause I was out on my scooter adventure. I'm so glad you didn't give up. Welcome back and keep takin those happy pills. :) Hugs and blessings, SusanD

  3. So glad to see you back on and doing well! I have KP too...they may be slower than snails but when I had to go to the ER once, they were excellent. I was on Prozac and I too, stopped cold turkey...had a few symptoms but it's somewhat liberating knowing you have that kind of willpower!

    Keep on bloggin', my friend :)

  4. What they said... keep up the rockin' KW.

  5. I am glad you are back...I have told you and will tell you a thousand times I value our friendship...I would still love to get my hands on the anonymous coward...But I am happier you are back...You are a ROCKSTAR!

  6. Hell, I KNEW somethin' weird was up !

  7. Okay -
    A. I'm glad you're okay mentally (well... that's all relative, right?) :-D and physically!

    B. The stooges hair-do's do sometimes elicit tears - so it's all good.

    C. You are and forever will be my rock-star. ROCK ON!!!

    I'm sending you big hugs and goofy slobbery kisses right now...

    ;-) robelyn

  8. SOOOO glad you are feeling better! I luv ya, dood!

  9. Sorry for the craptacular part of your adventure but glad we were able to show you how much we love you and value your friendship and the words you share!

    Welcome back, my friend.

  10. YOU, Kurt... are one Hell of a guy! Paxil is a bitch. Some day when I am in the mood to write about it, I will share how it screwed me up for a while. My dr and counselor decided it would be best for me when I was coping with the death of my Dad and my divorce... just months apart. I do think I would have been better off without it...

    But that's in the past...

    I'm glad you are still here!


  11. The next time someone gets on you, there will be blood on the floor.

  12. pfsst!

    Dude, you pulled the oldest trick in the book (good-bye, hello again).

    Sounds like your Dr. needs a second opinion...or something like that.

    At one time I tried/thought I needed Paxil.

  13. Paxil/Schmaxil - you can nip that right in the bud.

  14. sweetie, I'm so glad you are back to yourself.

    I'm with time I'm getting my dogs and I'm going hunting for Annon cowards.

    you just sit back and you blog...there's so much I want to know about you and your travels. :)

    later babe. xx

  15. I am glad you didn't quit your blog! I was starting to follow you and I really enjoy the way you right. I, too, will not stop my anti-depressant. Been there, done that!

  16. So glad that you're feeling better and stronger!
    I'm with Ophelia!

  17. Glad to see we talked some sense into you! Yeah, O and me were ready to come and dragging you kicking and screaming back to reality!
    Now we are on an Anonymous hunt, and Heaven help them when we catch up with them!
    Big, Big Hugs! @->--

  18. Sorry caught up in my own drama. What went down exactly KW?


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