Monday, July 5, 2010


I'M a DODGE kind of guy! Always have been...



"...We have eason to believe it's Supercharged."



  1. Still alive over here! The locals were setting off fireworks until the wee hours, which upset my kitties quite a bit and just made me wonder when something was going to catch fire. Thankfully, it seems everything is ok.

    I was thinking yesterday that I should have thought ahead and asked you to write a guest post for me for yesterday or today.

    So, this is me now officially asking you to do a guest post for me for Veteran's Day 2010. I figure that's plenty of time for you to ponder and create. Will you do a guest post for me for Veteran's Day? Please? We can talk more about this.

    Hope you had a good weekend!

  2. Still alive here too! Made it through both nights of fireworks with little problems. Nothing we could not handle here on the home front!! I think I fared worse worrying about the "what mights" than my husband dealing with the pop pops and kabooms!! Hope your weekend went well!!!

  3. Hi Kurt, I loved that advert....and I'm English!
    Hope that you've had a great week-end. Mine had been....well, I'll write to you and tell you what went on!

    You would do a great guest post for Veterans Day, go for it!

    Bib, big hugs.

  4. I dated a guy who drove a Dodge Dart...

  5. If I could have recorded last night it would be viral on YouTube right now. Between my husband and his service dog, I'm not sure which one was having the worse night. It was just me and the cat powerless to do anything but watch the events unfold!

  6. I'm still alive here! Ate a lot, drank a bit and lit up some firecrackers. All in all, a good night and hope yours was as well! :D

  7. Hi Kurt, Loved that commercial, thanks so much for sharing with us.
    Wishing you a great week!
    Big hugs!

    Thanks so much for your comments.
    What a nice thing to say!!

  8. Your comment meant the absolute world! Thank you.
    Just popped in to let you know that I've taken a break from blogging for few days.
    See you!
    ~B :))

  9. We're alive and well... but one of the guys setting off fireworks in a nearby town blew his hand off. Why does that still happen?!

  10. warrior man: I want one of those Dodge Challengers... My neighbor used to have one of the old ones...oh that thing sounded strong and fast.

    loved the video....hehehe.


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