Thursday, July 15, 2010

By Popular Demand...

I apologize for being such a namby-pamby, skillet licking, pantie-waist.
And thank you all so very much for your support.
I won't go into details. But let it be known, that:

I just need a little time to sort this thing out and choose my direction.


  1. Thank goodness! God bless you, KW! I'll be right here. Holler if you need to talk.

  2. Oh my gosh - I AM SO GLAD!!!!!!!!!! You bring so much to blogland - and to me, personally - I was seriously mourning the loss of your words!!!

    LOVE you!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  3. Now I feel better! Every pitcher needs to take a break at times, so relax and then when your ready come out swinging. This tired old world needs you.

  4. Knew you would see stubborn ole mule!
    Missed you so much, and I know someone who will be over the moon to see you back!
    Take a break, have a rest, but you know that you will be missed and welcomed back with open arms!
    You know what I'm talking about!

    Big, big hugs!

  5. YAY!!! so now I won't feel so alone and a million miles away.

    you take what ever long it take to fix what needs fixing...just as long as I "we"'ll be home when you can. :)


  6. Now THAT'S the stuff you're made of. I'll be waiting...

  7. And the whole congregation said...AMEN!


    Just sayin'...


  9. Dern. Feel like I came in at the end of the movie. What's goin on 'round here?
    NOW I understand your comment...I musta had the music up too loud.

  10. GREAT!!! I am so glad...Make it so loosers and cowards can't write under anonymous...We will be waiting!

  11. Kurt, you have no idea (and I won't go into details) just how happy you have made me.

    And at the risk of sounding like a namby-pamby, skillet-licking, pantie-waist "I love you man."

  12. We'll leave the light on for you... and based on what I've seen the last couple of days, if the light goes out, we'll form a chain and hold candles!

    Thanks (more than you know)for unbreaking my heart!


  13. Thank Goodness!! I'm so glad you're back, I look forward to your posts daily and your feedback.

  14. YAY!!!!

    May God bless you richly, and give you his guidance and his peace. Not because you are going to blog, or you aren't going to blog, but because it seems you are experiencing some internal conflict about it.

    Have a great day!


Don't just sit there! Say something...
No se limite a sentarse allí! Di algo ...
Ne pas rester là! Dis quelque chose ...
Nicht nur sitzen! Sagen Sie etwas ...