Saturday, July 31, 2010

2 things to cover

My little sister, my last living blood family member is going in the record books by having a birthday.
I know she stops bye here regular. but she has only left 1 comment in all this time.
She's a little more shy than I am.
But this is for you P.

And in an effort to get a little joy back into this world,
I want to send a HEY to the lady
and celebrate in the PINK SATURDAY, with this
Little gem...



  1. Happy Birthday to your sister!!!!

  2. H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y :) to your sis



  3. Happy Birthday to Sis with

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  4. Happy Birthday to your sister! Yay! My sister is having her surgery on Tuesday. She posted a blog post at her place just to say hi, if you get a chance to stop by.

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  5. I'm not the Beatles - but I'm singin' your sister a big ol' Texas Happy Birthday Song!!!!! Hope it's a great day for her!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  6. I heard you have cake and some party hats going on over here!

    Happy Birthday Sister Warrior and many happy returns of the day!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Sister! Woohooo!

  8. thank you all. or in Carolina speak, THANKS Y'ALL.

  9. The Boss and The Killer...! Pink Cadillac...! I am still scraping myself of the ceiling. Love it...!

    Happy Birthday to Little Sis. :-)

  10. Whoa! The Beatles, The Boss...AND an Angles fly-over!! You must be a dern good little sis! Happy Bday :)

  11. Happy Birthday to your sister!! What a good brother you are.... and you apparently ROCK in more ways than one!

    Loved the first photo of the jets. Six years ago my daughter attended her first and only "Ball" at West Point with a wonderful man, Jason E. Holbrook. He died this week in Afghanistan. This war hit home for us. I have two nephews who have been to the Middle East a total of 5 times and come home safe and sound. Prayers to all who fight to keep us free.

  12. Big belated Birthday to Sis!.. and boy does the Springsteen take me back- I'm in high school and rocking at the concert, rushing to the stage to catch Bruce's sweaty t-shirt he's throwing into the crowd. Uh huh.


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