Friday, June 18, 2010

Things to do

Well let me see!
The LA LAKERS are the NBA Champions! And I'm ecstatic....

Last night I played a blank CD at full volume, And the mimes, who lives next-door, went nuts.

Do you know how you can tell that the TOOTHBRUSH was invented in South Carolina?
If it had been invented anywhere else,it would have been called a teethbrush!

Have you ever dropped your cell phone into a container of water?
As long as it wasn't salt-water:
remove the battery.
shake out the excess water.
Place the cell phone into a plastic sandwich bag.
Fill the bag 3/4 full of uncooked rice.
Let it sit a day or two and try the phone.
(I learned this from my daughter).

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the HISTORY QUIZ.
Winner gets a DVD copy of the premier episode of


  1. What if you drop your phone in BEER ?

    Also, wouldn't silica gel packs (from a new shoe purchase)work better than rice ?

    I'll be around with a hangover for the quiz ! (I'll consider it my "handicap" if I lose).

  2. LOL! A teethbrush...Ok I am going to share an embarrasing drunk moment. I was drunk I was on the phone and going to the bathroom...see where this is going...Oh yeah I did it...I dropped my phone in the toilet...I will end the story at that since it gets a lot more embarrassing....

  3. The trick with the phone is to get the battery out quickly. I dropped mine in a lake once and did this very trick with great results !

    Do you think when they asked george Washington for his ID, if he just whipped out a Dollar Bill?

  4. Oh, great tip, thank you for sharing.
    Now I know what to do if I ever drop my cell in water.

    Go LA Lakers!!

    p.s. Thank you for your touching wishes on my birthday!:)
    Thanks so much for your wonderful words!
    It means a lot!

  5. I'm back to say that Betty it's me.
    I signed using my other email.
    Hope you're having a great weekend!
    ~B :)


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