Thursday, May 6, 2010


Some dummie has been trying to brute force guess my email password.  I know this because it keeps being locked by the incorrect guesses. I have identified the IP Address of the Computer that keeps rattling the door. But I recognize that this might be an innocent PC that has been Jacked. When I have finished probing the host to determine the actual attacker, I'll be back. Until then I won't be answering any email to the KrippledWarrior Addrss. Please bear with me.


  1. Grrrr... go get 'em, KW! Kick butt and take names.

  2. Yeah! I'm with Ms Anthropy.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.
    I've got that song in my head lately.
    Glad you liked it. That's such a great song. Isn't it?
    Hope you're having a lovely day!
    Betty :)

  3. Go get 'em! This should be fun! Love your picture!!!

    ;-) I'll share my duct tape with you...


  4. Hope you find out who it is!

  5. I had someone who hacked into my Gmail account too, and I had to change it. My old account used to get tons of spam, but my new one doesn't.

  6. They obviously missed the word WARRIOR in your email address. Get 'em!

  7. Someone's in serious trouble now. They be messin' with the wrong guy. :)

  8. Hope that you find out who it is. I started getting crazy mail from a woman, and I couldn't never get back to her, so I changed my address, and only a few people know it now.
    I was just wondering why you wanted my address?


Don't just sit there! Say something...
No se limite a sentarse allí! Di algo ...
Ne pas rester là! Dis quelque chose ...
Nicht nur sitzen! Sagen Sie etwas ...