Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A short ride to clear the mind...

A typical day. Surrounded by silly people at work. When I left the Navy I promised myself that I would never again work for people who weren't as intelligent as myself. It has been tough. But even the most intelligent people can still find ways to get on my nerves. But I try to never bring my work home with me. Not the work itself. Just the attitude that comes from dealing with supreme silliness. I'm usually able to blow off any frustration on the motorcycle ride home. But once in a while even fierce wind in my face and the blast from the exhaust just isn't enough.

Yesterday was one of those days. And when I got home I lost my mind and came into the house with my boots still on. There was a lecture about how the heels leave marks on the hardwood floor. And how hard it was to get the marks cleared. No amount of apology was accepted. No promises were good enough. This was the most egregious display of disrespect I had ever shown. Apparently I care more for my motorbike than I do about my house. And what's up with my attitude? Am I an inconsiderate buffoon? Or am I incapable of sensing the needs of the people around me?

It was about this point when the fuse blew and I knew that I needed to take a little spin on the Harley to vent some steam. Or I'd do something stupid.



  1. Uh oh.

    Now what will the Admiral do?

    and where will the Captain live?

  2. Um pencil erasers will take the heel marks off in a jiffy but I think it won't work on this one.

    Great post none the less!

    Won't you stop by my blog today to read about a blogger who needs our help!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Tell me this isn't your living room. And if it IS.. I'm thinking just sand it down and start over with a new coat of varnish... and a tranquilizer... or something.

  4. *chuckle
    Yeah, right... like you would ever do this to your adored wife. You big ol' teddy bear... er... 'scuse me, I mean tough guy.

  5. OMG....I am falling off my chair right now!!! xOxO

  6. Looks fine by me.

    I don't need no stinking garage!

  7. That's awesome !

    People can be real dumbasses sometimes. It astounds me how imbeciles can get graduate degrees.

  8. Well, this photo cracked me up! I couldn't stand it! sorry!
    Wow a Harley! how awesome!
    Thanks for your comments! Much appreciated!

  9. I have vodka, lots of it and from the looks of things you need it.

  10. oh my gosh - i'm rolling!!! LOVE IT!!!

    Think my lil' kia will do that?

    i'll let you know....


  11. haha - I love "2Thinks" comment about the admiral. LOL! Too funny.

  12. Baking soda will get that up and it's non-abrasive too! LOL!

  13. It astounds me how imbeciles can get graduate degrees.
    free classified india


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