Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I know I promised not to do it anymore. But;

I was greeted this morning in my email with  a particularly disturbing announcement. If you have a GMAIL Account and you received a similar message please do not respond to it...


From:; on behalf of; Mail Delivery Subsystem []

Subject: Termination

With the recent malicious activity that Google encounter from hackers, therefore the Google Team are currently upgrading the database systems and require you to verify your account to avoid suspension. If you are still interested in using our email service please provide us the details below for validation purpose.
Full Name
Phone Number
Note: This email is only for Gmail Users.

- The Gmail Team

The headers of the message are completely  FORGED and did not come from GOOGLE...


  1. Got it.

    And thanks for the kind congrats to Fash. It may not be her dream job forever, but it is her dream job for now. :) She had a great first day.

  2. I didn't get one of those, but thanks for the heads up.

    So glad you like my trend setting fashion style. Not everyone can pull that look off you know. ahahaha

    Blessings, SusanD

  3. I haven't gotten one yet but thanks for the heads up!

  4. I received one of these last month re my Hotmail account. NEVER NEVER give you personal info...if they are who they say they are....they already have it!
    Thanks for keeping us safe!!
    Hugs xOxO Nerina

  5. I really hope no one falls for that, especially since we've been told over and over and over to NEVER give out our personal information, because the legitimate company would already have it.

    One would have to have lived under a rock not know know that.

  6. I haven't gotten one yet either, but thank you THANK YOU for the heads up!!! I'm a random clicker... for-warned is for-armed, right?

    ;-) robelyn

  7. Better to be a Technophile than any other kind of phile!!

  8. Better to be a Technophile than any other kind of phile!!


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