Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where have you been my blue eyed son?

I've been to the land of the Rising Sun!
I spent 4 years stationed aboard a US Navy ship, in Yokosuka, Japan. Today I'm posting some of my pictures from there. And later I'll tell you of the things I learned from the experience.

A bamboo forest.

Cherry Blossoms in Yokosuka Park

The Great Daibutsu in Nara, Japan

Daibutsu temple in Nara, Japan
Fujiyama From my yard in Nagai, Japan
Traditional Dress Kimono
Himaji Castle

Honcho (bar district) Yokosuka, Japan
Yabusame at Samurai festival Kamakura, Japan
Yabusame at Samurai festival Kamakura, Japan
Daibutsu Kamakura, Japan
Kanazawa garden.
Traditional dress kimono in Kyoto, Japan.

Kyoto, Japan.
Traditional dress Kimono in Kyoto, Japan.

Lanterns in Kyoto, Japan.

Young Samurai.

World Peace Memorial
Nagasaki, Japan

NANZEN-Ji temple Kyoto, Japan.

Nijo-jo (Shrine entrance) Kyoto, Japan.

Shogun's Castle Odawara, Japan.






Shinto Shrine

Rush Hour. Tokyo, Train Station.

World Heritage Shrine Nara, Japan



  1. Wow! Gorgeous pictures. My brother has been to Japan six times, and he loves it. I have some wonderful paintings that he has brought back, and a Japanese lady's fan.

    I find the Japanese culture fascinating, and I love Japanese food. It's very healthy.

    I'm not so sure I would enjoy being squeezed into the subway like that, though. Oh, goodness. *heh*

  2. Beautiful pictures! If I don't get some sunlight soon, I'll be as white as those ladies, without makeup.

  3. WOW...thanks for the visual eye candy journey of Japan.....loved it! I would have loved to have seen you all of your majesty and size amoungst the smaller in stature...quite a picture I'm sure!! xOxO

  4. Kurt,

    This is one place I love to look at the pictures, but honestly have no desire to physically see. Not sure why, perhaps its just the rush of people and I've been craving peace and quiet.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. beautiful photos, thanks for the tour! You have a great eye...

  6. Fantastic pics. That bamboo forest is something.

  7. Wow I want to know...this might sound weird but I purchased a Samari sward for my son at was his only one wish for a present...our house is different than most

  8. Um, I'm not getting on that train. BUt I loved the young samari.

  9. Goodness - your photos are FANTASTIC!!! I couldn't pick out a favorite one if I tried!!! It makes me want to go on a road trip...or plane trip... or boat trip? Hmmm...

    I would like to stand in the bamboo forest and just... stand there for a while.

    ;-) robelyn
    thank you for sharing your photos!!!

  10. Great photo's. I would like to go there one day. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow great photos. What were they shooting at?


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