Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some of the Places I've Called Home

Home Port: New Port, Rhode Island

USS Parsons (DDG-33)
Home Port: Yokosuka, Japan

USS Cape Cod (AD-43)
Home Port: San Diego, California

USS Lewis B. Puller (FFG-23)
Home Port: San Diego,California

USS Frank S. Reasoner (FFG-1063)
Home port: San Diego, California

During my 21 years, 5 months and 8 days of active duty in the US Navy, I spent just under 17 years on Sea Duty aboard these five ships. I made one cruise through the Mediterranean Sea. Two trips through the North Atlantic. Two transits through the Panama Canal. Six Cruises through the Western Pacific. One cruise through the Caribbean Sea. Four cruises to the Indian Ocean. And six drug interdiction Operations near the Coast of Columbia.


  1. Glad you were on our side. Thank you.

  2. Hey KW, you have lived some life! And I give you credit... I have spent alot of time on boats, but never the big ones or out in the open sea. Mentally I am not equipped to deal with what it takes to survive out there.

    As for bikers taking down the barn, if you didn't live so far out there in God's Country I'de invite to join in when the day comes. The husband and his friends are bikers too, but I bet you'de call them weekend warriors. Anyway..they'll have fun taking the old barn down, it's the hauling it off that's a pain in the a**.

  3. Kurt,

    I can only imagine all the things you've been able to see that some of us can only dream about doing. Then again, you've also seen some things as well that we would not.

    Love that you have served our country proudly!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. Hell, I call those...SHIPS.

    You're a better man than me.

  5. What awesome pictures! I recently had the chance to goto the Norfolk Naval Ship Yard and see some huge ships (Outside only, of course). It was an awesome sight.

    Hey, come back to Titus 2 and read my comment (which was after yours).

    Thank you for fighting for me and our country!

  6. You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

  7. Do you know I've never been in any boat or ship in the ocean? I ferry doesn't count in my eyes. Its on my bucket list.

    You must have some real great stories to tell...

    P.S. Screw You, least have the BALLS to put your name behind your opinion.

  8. Anonymous hasn't been reading you for very long. Right you are, Gillian.

  9. You have obviously seen plenty of places, and experienced lots. I envy all your travels.
    Thanks for serving our country.

  10. That's so cool!!! One of the best days of my life (and there's been a lot of days! LOL) was spent on board the USS Lake Erie in Pearl Harbor! Ah... the stories I could tell...

    Anywho - it was AWESOME and so interesting!!! And the air carriers that were all in Pearl Harbor (I was married to the Army at the time...) were incredibly awe inspiring!!! My Son and I pretty much made daily trips to the harbor to watch all of the action!

    You've had some cool "mobile homes"... this is a fact! ;-)


  11. I love the pictures. It's impressive. 21 years keeping your country safe is an extremely selfless act. You're good people

  12. I'm a land critter, I suppose. Weeks and months at sea would probably make me go mad....That's why I enlisted in the Army :-)

  13. I was just reading over your blog, and I think it's great. Whoever "anonymous" is, they obviously haven't read any of your previous posts.

    Very interesting.

    We once had the "USS Nimitz" here in Vancouver, and I took a tour of it. It was very impressive. Talk about ship-shape. :-)

  14. Wow! I bet you saw some sights!

    But can you swim? :)

    Oh Anon- Please come and tell me what's wrong with my blog !!!

  15. Kurt,

    Congratulations on winning a copy of the book The Autobiography of An Execution!

    If you can please email me with your mailing information with NO P.O. Box, I can get this out to you.

    Again, congratulations, I know you'll love this book!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  16. Wow! Someone above said, "glad you were on our side" I ditto that.

    I'm coming back to read some more. I can't believe how much you've written in the, I guess I've been away too long. I finally got a post up today. You're mentioned there- hope you don't mind.

  17. I ditto what Kimberly and 2 Thinks said. :)

    I have never been on a ship but I think I would get sea sick. I once took the cruise from San Pedro to Catalina Island and got queasy while I was below deck. I was fine as long I was in the fresh air. A far cry from being on a ship I know, but as close as I have been. :)

    Took a small plane back that took off and landed on the water. Now THAT was fun! :)

  18. I lived in Pensacola for 14 years, spent a bit of time on most of the bases there doing work. Got to go on the U.S.S. Enterprise once, that was cool. My step dad was on the U.S.S. Wrangle in WWII, lied about his age to get in and fought in the south pacific. He had a military funeral. It was touching and beautiful. Young men and women sailors saluting an old sailor and carrying him to his final resting place.

  19. I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

  20. What great adventure and life journey! I admire you!
    I like these photos:)


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