Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Is your winter getting long and drawn out?
Have you seen enough rain to strangle a frog?
Is there no relief in your local weatherman?
Ready to scream "Where's the global Warming?"
Thinking of moving to a warmer climate?
Well before you pack you bags and head to the left coast. Let me remind you of an old song's lyrics:
"It never rains in Southern California. Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before.
It never rains in California. But boy, don't they warn you?"



So, if you're still headed West. Think Seattle or Portland!


  1. Wow those pictures are something. It was 75 here in Southern AZ. But we have had more rain than usual this year so far. But I have been thinking of moving to the Pacific North West after I get my degree.

  2. Those pictures are amazing.
    Terrifying yet exciting at the same time.
    I know those firefighters are exhausted and are ready for a break, but I'd be lying if I said that I was glad I wasn't there in the midst of it.
    I know, I know. Be careful what you wish for...

  3. Amazing photos, Kurt... and how horrific the damage. I remember watching coverage on the news and thinking how devastating those fires are for residents, flora and fawna.

    You can have your earthquakes too...however, you do live in some beautiful weather.

  4. Great photos. Brave men. I'm thinkin AZ for the next big move. lol. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  5. You know, I'm thinking all this freezing rain doesn't look so bad. *grin*

    Thank you for coming to the aid of a damsel in distress. When bullies pick on little girls, it's nice to know a man with a Harley has got my back. :-)

    Love you in a godly way. :-)

  6. Kurt,

    I would have to seriously agree with you, that we seem to be in a bit of a bubble lately with no real rain hitting our area. I would hate to see what this summer and fall will look like out here. I cringe from last years fires!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. Thank You for comin' to visit me! I'm the silent lurker on your blog... I know, I know... me silent? ha! I get tangled up in the duct tape to often.

    Those are really awesome photos - but I think I'll stay down South where the skeeters are as big as I am and the armadillos are my speed bumps ('til they land in my soup pot. heehee)! It's a sunny "bring on the spring!" day around this neck of the woods! Great day for a spin on the Harley? Yep!

    ;-) Robelyn

  8. That is something I don't miss about CA. It's those Santa Ana winds.

  9. These are really great photos. I admire those people


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