Monday, December 7, 2009



On December 7,  1941, A Japanese Bomber pilot manned his aircraft in the pre-dawn light. His name was Mitsuo Fuchida. He took off from the deck of the Aircraft carrier Akagi, and led the surprise attack against the US Navy Pacific Fleet, located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
During  the ensuing war years, Fuchida continued to fly -- often narrowly escaping being killed in action. After the Japanese formally surrendered aboard The USS Missouri,  in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, he became a bitter and disillusioned man.
A young Christian woman, whose parents had been killed by the Japanese during the war, took it upon herself to minister to Japanese prisoners. When Fuchida heard about this story, his spiritual curiosity was piqued. He was so impressed by this woman's action, that he began reading The Bible. When he read  Luke 23:34, of  Jesus' words from the  cross "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." he clearly understood how the woman was able to forgive the enemy who had killed her family.
Mitsuo Fuchida became a lay preacher and evangelist to the Japanese people. This former warrior demonstrated the "Peace of God that surpasses all understanding." PHIL. 4:7.


  1. That truly is forgiveness.
    Lovely story, KW. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. That we would all walk it out so that others could clearly see the Glory of God.


  3. I loved this post, Kurt. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It is easy to forget that they were following orders just like our men do.

    I have a forgiving heart to a point but that is incredible!

  5. Me again. You know, I got really behind on reading blogs posts when I was computerless. SO, I had every intention of just starting where I was and not going back to read old posts. otherwise I'd be reading all day long.

    BUT, of course I ended up flipping back through some of your most recent posts and see that I have missed out on some posts that were just too good not to comment on.

    First of all, re: This is How it's Done on Nov 26. WOW! Just WOW.
    Even though I was never a big Whitney Hueston fan, her version was always my favorite until now. That was incredible.

    Thank you for the tribute to Corporal Jason L Hunham.

    Re the gifts for the women in your life, well, I'll take the Compact 45. Also, although I'm not a huge jewelry fan, I suppose I wouldn't turn away that diamond ring either. sheeez!

    Re" Santa's Bailout"-WAHAHAHA!!!
    (Is it true that Santa's elves really can't make -=Pods and X-Boxes? Who knew!!

  6. I ditto the first two paragraphs of MyADHDMe's comment and now I have to scroll back even more and read your older ones that I also missed.

    This one here is wonderful and I mean fills me with wonder of how one could forgive like this- the only possible way must be the love of Jesus Christ living in her.

    I'm making my way back today after an amazing 10 days of celebration at the homecoming/visit of our son- Pilgrim.

  7. That is just beautiful...War does things to people...I came from a Military family father in Nam a marine...
    My hats off to all who fought who may not believe in the commandment
    thau shall not kill


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