Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Vetran's Day!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, The National Anthem...



  1. Happy Veterans Day to you too my friend.

    I didn't intend to touch the positive cable but thanks for caring enough to mention it. But the thought of seeing Jesus face to face makes it tempting. :)


  2. Thanks for serving KW. Can't say that I've ever heard the national anthem quite like that.

    You'll be happy to hear that I.T. primed the bathroom. Wooohooo!

    Now to go read the ones here I've missed this past week.

  3. Thank you for having served....Many Blessings. Yolanda

  4. Thanks for sharing this version of our National Anthem. I didn't know Jimi was a lefty.

    Today, I honor you for serving our country and thank your family for their sacrifice too.

    Blessings, SusanD

  5. My dad served in the Coast Guard. Thanks for including them. What? No AF emblem?

  6. Thanks so much for your service! We appreciate you and really can't express that enough.

  7. THANK YOU for serving our country for 21+ years!!! And thank you to your family for their sacrific too.

  8. You made my favorite quote list. This is a very high honor my friend. :)

    It's your day to be honored all over the blogosphere.


  9. I can't seem to get the 'Link' connection right when trying to post another's blog. If I don't have their http:// I strike out.

    Anyway, Thanks for giving a big chapter out of your life through your Tours of Duty.

  10. I just wanted to let you know that you got a mention on my blog today.

  11. Some excellent music choices you list. The best will always be, and I was born in the 1970s. Happy Veteran's Day too (yesterday.) Not forgotten. Found your blog through Blase'. :)


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