Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. And this is one situation I hope to never be in and I probably won't, because I would never try surfing in the ocean, because of this possibility.

    Thanks for setting me straight with the stars. Perhaps it is better to burn out (giving it your all) than to fade away (having given very little).

    I'd really like to know what this guy in the photo here is going to do now. Or if anyone ever saw him again.

  2. WOA!

    Talk about being in a precarious situation.

  3. Looks can be deceiving. Looks scary, but it's actually a dolphin! Yay dolphins!

  4. You know if you were the actually guy in this picture I think you would be paddling for shore until you knew for sure it was a dolphin.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. This is why I avoid the ocean.


Don't just sit there! Say something...
No se limite a sentarse allí! Di algo ...
Ne pas rester là! Dis quelque chose ...
Nicht nur sitzen! Sagen Sie etwas ...