Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Greater love than this, Hath no man...

Born: September 16, 1937
War: Vietnam
Rank: First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps
Location of Action: Near Da Nang
Date of Action: July 12, 1965

Official Medal of Honor Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. The reconnaissance patrol led by 1st Lt. Reasoner had deeply penetrated heavily controlled enemy territory when it came under extremely heavy fire from an estimated 50 to 100 Viet Cong insurgents.

Accompanying the advance party and the point that consisted of 5 men, he immediately deployed his men for an assault after the Viet Cong had opened fire from numerous concealed positions. Boldly shouting encouragement, and virtually isolated from the main body, he organized a base of fire for an assault on the enemy positions. The slashing fury of the Viet Cong machinegun and automatic weapons fire made it impossible for the main body to move forward.

Repeatedly exposing himself to the devastating attack he skillfully provided covering fire, killing at least 2 Viet Cong and effectively silencing an automatic weapons position in a valiant attempt to effect evacuation of a wounded man. As casualties began to mount his radio operator was wounded and 1st Lt. Reasoner immediately moved to his side and tended his wounds. When the radio operator was hit a second time while attempting to reach a covered position, 1st Lt. Reasoner courageously running to his aid through the grazing machinegun fire fell mortally wounded.

His indomitable fighting spirit, valiant leadership and unflinching devotion to duty provided the inspiration that was to enable the patrol to complete its mission without further casualties. In the face of almost certain death he gallantly gave his life in the service of his country. His actions upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service.


  1. I salute this man and all those that serve in our military. Those of us who have never been in combat, don't really have a clue.


    When you said Heather I thought you forgot where you were. Ha! Then I got it. Just goes to show there is a little more blonde in me that meets the eye. :o

  2. Kurt,

    This is truly the very best gift we can all be thankful for in light of the men and women who leave to serve their country and never make it home. Theirs truly is the ultimate sacrifice.

    You did him proud! Thank you for letting us get to know him and what he did!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Wow, we owe a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid to all the men and women who serve our country. They are definately our best. Thanks for letting us know about Frank Reasoner.

    I don't know if you saw that I have posted about a man I know who's finally receiving the recognition he deserves after 39 years.


  4. It's so hard to believe this actually is happening somewhere in this world. So scary. My life plods along safe and secure, because of this reality going on "out there". I'm thankful to be reminded of this today.

    Thanks you.


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