Saturday, October 10, 2009

Laughtime for Saturday...

I don't care what political persuasion you favor. You must watch this Presidential Address. Ever since Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtain, Lorain Newman and John Belushi left the scene SNL has only rarely been funny. This is one of those moments.
Ladies and gentleman! I give you; The President of the United States. Barak Obama!


  1. "JACK SQUAT".. HA!'re lucky you have Republican this case, anyway

  2. I guess they're finally starting to make jokes about him eh? Pretty good stuff.

  3. I know almost nothing about politics. But this was actually funny to me. =]

  4. Ok SNL did good on this one. :)

  5. I can't get my audio to work but I'm bookmarking this until I can get my son to fix it for me.


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