Friday, October 23, 2009

Classic Black Friday

Classic Black Friday. In homage to my fashionista mentor, NicNacManiac.
Check out her Magnificent style sense today...


  1. Love Granny on the Motor Cycle.

  2. Kurt,

    I have to agree with Andrea! The last picture is definitely more vintage that all the rest.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Oh my gosh...
    The Fonz, Steve McQueen, Brigette Bardot, (is that)Ann Margaret and the sexiest biker this side of the boarder!!! Excellent!!
    Hey...people will start to talk!! Luv Ya xOxO

  4. Except for the last pic...this was the best so far!

  5. The last pic was the one I related to the best. One day, when I am old, I will drive like that song "Go granny, go granny, go granny, Go!" One day....


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