Tuesday, October 20, 2009

almost Wordless Wednesday

Active service members are not the only ones who sacrifice for our country. Some day a Marine will hand my family a flag just like this one. I pray none of you has to lay a personal sacrifice on the altar of freedom.


  1. My eyes got all watery when I saw this picture. It's a good picture to share.

  2. My husband's father died in WWII when he was about 16 months old. They brought his body back from Belgium when he was about 4 years old. He remembers meeting the train and the soldier with his Dad's casket. We have a picture of him at the grave with the flag that had been given to him. Those are memories that no one can take from him. He only knows what others tell him about his Dad. He has a deep place in his heart for those left behind.
    We both thank you from the bottom of our heart for your service. Our oldest son is a marine (stateside for now) and we are very proud of him for being willing to protect us.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  3. My husband would love for one of our daughters to go to West Point, like he did. I ask "Could you live with yourself if she were killed defending our country?" And he says "you don't understand the cost of our freedom." I don't know whether that means he could or not. But I know I couldn't.

    I appreciate the sacrific of others, but selfishly don't want to make it.

  4. Just now,for American Lit., Fash had to read The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. Do you know that one? The main character lures his victim deep into the catacombs where he also stores his best wines, in order to take vengeance on him by chaining him to a wall and cementing him into a cubicle to die. Well, this made me think of those pictures you posted of the tour underneath Paris. So, I pulled that post up for Fash. She was impressed, as well as, freaked out. (We actually hope to take her to Paris for a senior trip this spring) So, anyway. You contributed to our home educational process today.

    Thank you.

  5. That picture speaks volumes. My son leaves in 2 weeks. I'm SO not looking forward to it.

  6. Kurt,

    Truly something none of us ever thinks about is not just the sacrifice of the service man or woman but their family as well!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. None of us wants that sacrifice to touch us so close to our own families but sometimes it does.

  8. Hard to look at, and being that The Hubs is there now, I don't like to ponder this if I don't have to. But yes, the children make the biggest sacrifice.

    As far as the daughter who wants to go to West Point. She has to make that choice, and whatever she does, you must support her.

  9. I was actually too emotional when I first saw this picture, to comment on it. I came back over to say: I don't think I will ever understand fully what it means when someone enlists, what it means for them, their family and what it means for me. Something wells up inside of me when the military marches by in the parade and I do feel so thankful. I wave my "Thank you for Serving" sign. And I really mean it. But I know I don't really understand. I feel sick at the thought of my sons going off to war. Sick with fear. The fear that Beverlydru talked about on her blog today. A fear I know should not be in me. My sons have not gone off to war. So, I do not know....

  10. A VERY touching photo.
    What a brave little man. I try daily to keep these soldiers in my prayers, and to NEVER take for granted all the sacrifices that have been made.


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