Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...


  1. Did you take these? If you did, nicely done!! Wordless Wednesday is one of my favorite blog days. :)

  2. I knew it! I knew it! I knew rocks are alive and can move!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Great shots...lovin the new're really mixin it up!!!

  4. Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!"

    "I tell you," Jesu replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

    Luke 19:39,40

  5. I'm not sure what I'm looking at but its kinda cool. :) Love the detail in the pics

  6. I like the brighter background, better on my eyes.

    As far as the Rock Blocks are concerned, those are the rocks that are busted up and used to put in Charlie Brown's Halloween bag.

  7. ..btw, the next time you post a Trivial Pursuit thingy, I think 'someone' needs to change their moniker to- Google2Google

    ..just kidding, well sort of

    And, as far as your Church-Women on your Blog are concerned, Amber and Chatty Kelly are the Hottest Looking church-women you've got, so far...imho

  8. So THAT's where my pet rocks went!

    I was just listening to Natalie Grant a little while ago and the song (the part of the song) that is playing through my head is,

    I will stumble, I will fall down, but I will not be moved... On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, I will not be moved!

    Apparently God knew I would be stopping by. :)

    Heather :)

  9. Fascinating!

    Thanks for the nice comment.

    Dig your sending my hubby over to check out some of the awesome stuff (ie skulls and rocks that crawl)


  10. Interesting to say the least! I love the pet rock comment.

  11. Those are really, really cool!

    They would be great story starters for the kids at know, "How did THIS happen? Write away!"

  12. Came back over to see if you had any words you were willing to add to the rock skids. Nope.

  13. Okay Heidi. These walking rocks are in Death Valley. Science can't explain them. They move unaided. They have been known of for over 70years and no one has ever seen one move.


Don't just sit there! Say something...
No se limite a sentarse allí! Di algo ...
Ne pas rester là! Dis quelque chose ...
Nicht nur sitzen! Sagen Sie etwas ...