Saturday, September 5, 2009

All you need is LOVE...

Greater love hath no man...
If this video doesn't touch your heart...
Nothing else on this page will.
Warning; Extremely graphic. Not for the faint of heart...


  1. It's hard to believe that someone without sin would take on our sin & consequences like that, isn't it? And just because he loves us.

    "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13


  2. How easy it is to live our lives day to day and forget what was sacrificed for us.

  3. I am faint of heart. When I saw this in the theater, I ended up yelling out "Stop!" during the scourging. (sp?)

  4. This is such a moving portrayal of just what Christ did do for all of us, even though we all deserve this for the many things we do each day.

    Would we have endured this knowing we were not guilty for anything for the love of complete strangers, those same ones doing the beating?

    This is a very powerful movie and one we watched over the fall last year and found it very sobering.

    Thanks for sharing it here! By the way, your blog award and interview are up this morning!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. KC, ADHD, Edie and KAT,
    Thanks for your friendship. When I saw this in the theater, I cried like a russian olympic gymnast.
    Those are my stripes on His back...

  6. Hi Kurt,

    Congratulations on the Blog Award of the Week! Kat does an awesome job of interviewing people who are newer to Blog world or need a little more exposure! I would probably only have 5 or 6 followers if it weren't for her! Take Care and have a great Weekend!

  7. Kurt,

    I forgot to comment on your blog today, sorry buddy!

    This scene always gets me how one man could endure so much pain for
    our sins!
    We truly have the one and only Jesus Christ who died that day on the cross for us! The one God!



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