Monday, September 15, 2014

Fun times at the VA hemodialysis unit

I'm in the final stage of my renal shutdown and as such I'm undergoing dialysis 3 days a week for 3 hours a day. It starts out with needles in the artery in my left arm.

The blood is drawn out and sent through a filtration device that pulls out all of the impurities usually removed by my kidneys. 

When the process is over there is considerable pressure needed to stop the bleeding after those large gauge needles are removed. 

Six hours after needle removal this is what my arm looks like

20 hours later this is my arm. The bleeding is done but the bruising remains. 

Friday, September 12, 2014


The debate over when life begins is now over

as you can clearly see with your own eyes, this aborted human is quite alive. But unfortunately, not for very long